is this river bet too thin
20/40 9 handed
I open JJ EMP, btn who is laggy 3 bets, tight passive cold calls 3 in SB, i cap all call
flop 345 rainbow, i bet, btn raises, sb calls, i 3b, all call
turn Q no fd i bet all call
river 7 no flush, i bet.
3 Replies
Maybe it's a leak, but I check the river. Seems like a 6 will be a good part of what villains can have here. Plus some players won't raise a Q on the turn.
I like the whole hand. It really seems like there is a chance that they both have worse pocket pairs or maybe something like A5s. A tight-passive might not have any 6x, and he might donk the straight if he did. And the LAG will probably check all of the showdown value that we beat. People hate folding pairs getting 13:1.
How will you respond if you’re raised on the river?
If you snap fold I prefer checking and calling. Some players regardless of how they’re labeled them have some degree of larceny.