Intervention request
First off I want to note some great things:
I presume this moderator could just ban me. They haven't. They haven't done anything at all besides issue verbal warnings. They seem to be bending over backward - along with devoting a lot of their own time - to try and avoid things escalating. So big props to them on that. That's awesome modding.
But it appears we are rapidly heading toward escalations and I'd like to avoid that.
At this point the moderator is giving me instructions I simply cannot follow because they are so vague and subjective. I'm sure they are clear to them but they are not clear to me. It's seems clear as day they are unhappy with my conduct in their forum but how to fix it they are not being clear about.
For example I reported a post. I explained to them it was a sincere report and their response was effectively to tell not to abuse the report function. I repeated that it was sincere and explained my reasoning and once again they repeated that I was abusing the report function and don't do that.
That's an impossible to follow instruction. I didn't think I was abusing it and so now I have to read this moderators mind every time I report something? I can't read minds.
Now an issue in the forum has come up and they are instructing:
Don't be obtuse and troll incessantly. Simple as that.
That isn't simple because I have no idea what they consider being obtuse, nor incessant trolling. And they aren't explaining what they mean. Once again they are instructing me to read their mind anytime I do something.
I am requesting specific, actionable instructions for what I can and cannot do in their forum.