I am a literal legend of gambling, ask me anything.

I am a literal legend of gambling, ask me anything.

What im doing is a gift to this dead site but they will probably lock the thread since they want no traffic or interest.

) 26 Views 26
26 October 2023 at 02:13 AM

959 Replies


by syndr0me k

Limon, what putter do you use?

It’s like a ping Sedona or something. Small blade putter. I’ve had it for many years but don’t necessarily like it. I’m just too lazy to go find a new putter.

Have you ever used your dog as a putter? If no, why not?

by limon k

after my second ACL tear i was probably pretty depressed i suppose. i knew my sports days were over and it was just golf from there on out.

How did you tear your ACL(s)? Same one both times? Did you do surgery/physio?

What sports were you active in prior to the tear(s)?

by Picky Mosquito k

When you approach a cardroom to host a game, how do you propose to host a game? What percentage of the rake/deal do you offer? Do you offer the food etc? I have a room near me that games have died in, was jw your process.

Casinos want games they DONT have, if you can go to a casino and offer them something they DONT have they will pay you for it. In a card room (like LA) they will pay a lot, in a "real casino" they will pay a little. In a "real casino" thy want you at slots or in the pit so most dont give a **** about poaching a stud game they dont spread, in a card room that possible million a year in added rake is all gravy, its not pulling from other gaming.

You can basically walk up t a cardroom GM and say, "is see theres no mix game here, you want 25-50 horse? i play with a group and can spread it here at $11/half hour collection. it will run 5 days a week at least." you then make a deal for a cut of the rake or a flat fee and if you can deliver the goods youre set! its 10x harder than it seems and 99% of hosts go broke in their own game. but if you can do it its gravy time. You can get money from the casino for some comps/promos as well at times but often you just have to pay for it out of the money you make off the game.

by Ist Das Crazyboi k

How did you tear your ACL(s)? Same one both times? Did you do surgery/physio?

What sports were you active in prior to the tear(s)?

Basketball injury and motorcycle injury. I got hamstring replacement on one knee and patellar tendon ACL replacement on the other. both recovered well/perfect. after the first i went back to basketball near daily for years before the other one went. then i didn't want to do it all again/risk more injury so i gave up basketball and focused on golf.

by limon k

Basketball injury and motorcycle injury. I got hamstring replacement on one knee and patellar tendon ACL replacement on the other. both recovered well/perfect. after the first i went back to basketball near daily for years before the other one went. then i didn't want to do it all again/risk more injury so i gave up basketball and focused on golf.

That’s a cool sorry bro. I also have an ankle injury and a shitty ama on 2p2.


It’s like I’m the poor man’s version of you.

Tonight (Saturday) 8PM PDT - LA Time (11PM EDT/NY Time)
Where? Youtube - come ask your questions live a...

by botulism k

Who is/was the best 10-20 reg at Commerce?

Depends what month and year(and whether they even lasted the year).

by mapletreeway k

What's the best way to make money advantage gambling right now? PLO5? Trying to hustle into private games? Anything non-poker?

Get paid by the house and win the game as well.

Broken YouTube Link

by Stu Ungar k

1. Have you ever been asked to play on HCL?

2. What is Armenian Mike doing these days, and is he truly a scumbag?

Armenian Mike is on Bally Live Poker Live at the Commerce!

by EasyGo k

At what point did you start thinking you were a legend?

When he was doing things no one else could in an legal environment.

by Key Guy k

Did you make more money from poker or golf bets?

Do you still talk to your co host Nichoel Jurgens from when you hosted LATB?

Will you ever bring Pokersesh back?

We just hung out with Nichole’s ex-husband Tad a few days ago!

Some version of Pokersesh and his bootleg Pokersesh from Twitch is on my YouTube .

by limon k

rib-eye or re-buy obv. ainc.

Limon asked me to post a joke in his thread, so here it is…

A guy finds a lamp, rubs it and a genie pops out.

“3 wishes and no wishing for more wishes.” Says the genie.

“I am an aspiring professional poker player, so I wish to have elite poker playing skills.” States the guy.

“Done, but you’re still going broke.” Replies the genie as he waves his hand over the guy’s head.

“Then my second wish shall be that I win the World Series main event so I have a bankroll to apply my elite poker skills.” Wishes the guy.

“Done, but you’re still going broke.” States the genie.

“Wtf man, ok I wish to not go broke!” Yells the guy.

“Done. You now have a job. You could have saved yourself 2 wishes and just wished that for the first one.” The genie says as he poofs and disappears.

by D22-soso k

Limon asked me to post a joke in his thread, so here it is…

A guy finds a lamp, rubs it and a genie pops out.

“3 wishes and no wishing for more wishes.” Says the genie.

“I am an aspiring professional poker player, so I wish to have elite poker playing skills.” States the guy.

“Done, but you’re still going broke.” Replies the genie as he waves his hand over the guy’s head.

“Then my second wish shall be that I win the World Series main event so I have a bankroll to apply my elite poker skills.” Wishes

It’s Wayne ladies and gentlemen… it’s Wayne!

by Lemon93PCTSure k

18+ Full recording - but don't worry if you missed it, we will have the podcast, clips coming over next weeks 😀

Limon is a damn legend for coming in!

He is risen. Happy easter!

Zeno never dies. He lives forever!

by limon k

It’s like a ping Sedona or something. Small blade putter. I’ve had it for many years but don’t necessarily like it. I’m just too lazy to go find a new putter.


You are not going to replace your dog!

Limon, does putter have groupies?

by D22-soso k

Limon, does putter have groupies?

Dwayne ladies & gentlemen. Dwayne.

by D22-soso k

Limon, does putter have groupies?

actually yes, lol, hes sort of the star of the neighborhood. kids who used to play with him and throw the ball in the yard come back to say hi and they are graduating from college!

by limon k

actually yes, lol, hes sort of the star of the neighborhood. kids who used to play with him and throw the ball in the yard come back to say hi and they are graduating from college!

Tell them to take up poker. They can get RICH if they become pros!

by limon k

Basketball injury and motorcycle injury. I got hamstring replacement on one knee and patellar tendon ACL replacement on the other. both recovered well/perfect. after the first i went back to basketball near daily for years before the other one went. then i didn't want to do it all again/risk more injury so i gave up basketball and focused on golf.

I feel you. I'm also feeling my bball days are behind me which is very sad. Keep doing physio btw I think it's important for the long term

Hey Limon, why is YouTube directing these searches to your interview ? Anything you want to tell us?

by Lemon93PCTSure k

Hey Limon, why is YouTube directing these searches to your interview ? Anything you want to tell us?

lets just say i had a crazy weekend...

Limit what’s the biggest dealer toke you ever gave? Why was this the biggest toke. Was the pot bigger than normal? Dealer better than normal? Just felt generous?

Also what’s the biggest dealer toke you ever witnessed?
