$5/10 and $10/25 NLHE Specialist: Ask me Anything About NLHE

$5/10 and $10/25 NLHE Specialist: Ask me Anything About NLHE

I've been a professional poker player for six years, and I currently specialize in live $5/10 and $10/25 NLHE. I also run a training site and have coached over 200 students. Ask me anything. I will answer the best questions, and try to help as much as possible. If you think my knowledge may be useful to you in any way, ask away.

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15 June 2024 at 04:01 PM

79 Replies


If 3 people go all in at the same time and the winner of the hand has the other 2 covered---who finishes in 2nd place?---if the person has the 2nd most chips starting the hand but gets beaten by the person with the lesser chips starting the hand does that person with the lesser chips get 2nd place?---or does the person with the most chips starting the hand get credited for 2nd place even though they get beaten by the person who has the lesser amount of chips when starting the hand?---please advise,thanks---

Two caveats here: I am a cash-game pro, not a tournament specialist. Also, some tournaments have unique rules and custom formats.

With that said, I believe the standard approach would be for the 2 players that bust to split second place and share the second + third place prize money. This is what happened in past tournaments that I played in.

by CoachJoel23 k

Two caveats here: I am a cash-game pro, not a tournament specialist. Also, some tournaments have unique rules and custom formats.

With that said, I believe the standard approach would be for the 2 players that bust to split second place and share the second + third place prize money. This is what happened in past tournaments that I played in.

Hate to correct, but this is incorrect (in most TDA/WSOP/PokerStars tournaments). If its a final table and 2 players are eliminated at the same time, the one with less chips ends up in a lower position whether its 6th and 5th or 3rd and 2nd respectively.

You are thinking of a situation, where it is hand-for-hand on an actual bubble or final table bubble. In that case if two players at different tables get eliminated simultaneously they split the payouts.

by CoachJoel23 k

9 Buy-in Downswing Live (450 hours) and 15 buy-in downswing online would be the largest at $3/6 NLHE

How many hands have you played online lifetime, and what about total #hours in live poker?

by AALegend k

Hate to correct, but this is incorrect (in most TDA/WSOP/PokerStars tournaments). If its a final table and 2 players are eliminated at the same time, the one with less chips ends up in a lower position whether its 6th and 5th or 3rd and 2nd respectively.

You are thinking of a situation, where it is hand-for-hand on an actual bubble or final table bubble. In that case if two players at different tables get eliminated simultaneously they split the payouts.

This is what I always thought was the correct answer----thanks for the reply----cheers!

by AALegend k

Hate to correct, but this is incorrect (in most TDA/WSOP/PokerStars tournaments). If its a final table and 2 players are eliminated at the same time, the one with less chips ends up in a lower position whether its 6th and 5th or 3rd and 2nd respectively.

You are thinking of a situation, where it is hand-for-hand on an actual bubble or final table bubble. In that case if two players at different tables get eliminated simultaneously they split the payouts.

Thanks for correcting. This is not the area where I'll be able to provide the most value.

by GetCreative k

How many hands have you played online lifetime, and what about total #hours in live poker?

About 9,000 hours live and 200,000 hands online. Exclusively playing live currently.

Do you play the pipe organ?

How long did it take you to move up to the 10/25 stakes? at what stakes did u start your poker journey?

by Moofey k

How long did it take you to move up to the 10/25 stakes? at what stakes did u start your poker journey?

It took me 5 years, and I started at $1/2.

What’s your take on biggest difference and challenges between home private games and ones in casino? What are your few adjustments?

Home games are wayyyy more loose and action but you gotta make hands otherwise it gets expensive quick.

by unit18 k

What’s your take on biggest difference and challenges between home private games and ones in casino? What are your few adjustments?

Home games are wayyyy more loose and action but you gotta make hands otherwise it gets expensive quick.

I play public games almost exclusively now. Often home games are splashier and softer like you said and can offer stakes higher than you'll see publicly. The biggest tradeoffs are that you often have a much more secure game in a casino. You don't have to worry about being cheated or robbed to nearly the same extent. You often pay lower rake in a casino. And you can come and go as you please with a casino game with less strings attached and less politics to deal with.

If you are more concerned with the strategy differences, I work with clients all the time on how to beat loose, splashy poker games.

what would you say are the single biggest differences jumping from stake to stake?

What would you bluff or light 3! range look like?

by rickroll k

what would you say are the single biggest differences jumping from stake to stake?

1/2: Develop strong preflop fundamentals and learn to value bet effectively

2/5: Improve hand reading and learn to find big folds

5/10: Maximize EV for your range with strong theoretical knowledge and better bet sizing

10/25: Master the mental game and understand the limitations of GTO and when to move away from it

by deuceblocker k

What would you bluff or light 3! range look like?

Depends highly on position and opponent tendencies. Suited aces and suited connectors are usually some of the best 3bet bluff candidates.

i play selectively tight at 1/3 and do fairly well. i would say 9/10 sessions feel like my game is way ahead of most of the table.

i don't know how to mentally prepare to play 2/5. playing better players, variance, and uncertainty are some of the things that keep me from playing. i'm also not sure what my gameplan should be - such as how many days per week will i play 2/5, and when to move down in stakes.

by Tuma k

i play selectively tight at 1/3 and do fairly well. i would say 9/10 sessions feel like my game is way ahead of most of the table.

i don't know how to mentally prepare to play 2/5. playing better players, variance, and uncertainty are some of the things that keep me from playing. i'm also not sure what my gameplan should be - such as how many days per week will i play 2/5, and when to move down in stakes.

Definitely come talk to me. This conversation is very specific to your unique situation and goals.

Feel free to book a free consult here and we can put together a plan: https://www.pto-poker.com/free-consultat...

I watch those Bart Hanson videos with hand reading, which seem intimidating. . I know some GTO, but am concerned about GTO players at higher stakes. So I am a little scared to play 5/10, even though there are probably some fish at that level too. Should I be scared?

by deuceblocker k

I watch those Bart Hanson videos with hand reading, which seem intimidating. . I know some GTO, but am concerned about GTO players at higher stakes. So I am a little scared to play 5/10, even though there are probably some fish at that level too. Should I be scared?

GTO players aren't the ones to be scared of. They are primarily playing a defensive strategy. It will be tough to exploit them for large amounts of money, but they won't be exploiting you maximally either.

5/10 players will on average be better than at 2/5, but probably not by as much as you are expecting. If you are bankrolled properly for 5/10 and are willing to feel a little bit of temporary discomfort, then there's really nothing to fear.

What is your preferred open raise size for 1/3 and 5/5 games? should i open raise same as i do online like 2.5BB?

Lets say if someone open raises more than 3-4BB online we can assume it's a fish but live games are different, players open raise as big as 6-7BB and still get in multiway pots so I'm wondering from your experience what is the best open size to maximize EV?

I usually default to 3x the big blind, but if I'm in a game where 3x is consistently getting multiple callers, I start scaling up to 4x or 5x. The sweet spot is where you start being able to thin the field to 1 or 2 callers.

Hi nice AMA, couple of Q
What are the biggest "things" u have to improve/study/adapt when u shift from online to live?
What are ur advices to someone that is thinking to start playing live if is a winning player at midhigh 6 max online?

by sevenhearts k

Hi nice AMA, couple of Q
What are the biggest "things" u have to improve/study/adapt when u shift from online to live?
What are ur advices to someone that is thinking to start playing live if is a winning player at midhigh 6 max online?

Thanks. For a lot of people, it is adjusting to the (slower) speed of the game. Live poker is much closer to a meditation retreat than a sporting event. There is a lot of inactivity, which puts being observant when you are not in hands and being patient at a premium. There are also many out-of-book spots in live poker that never happen in online poker or in solver-land because they involve much wider preflop ranges that shouldn't be calling in theory.

My advice for the transition would be to not go at it alone. A lot of the most profitable spots in live poker are counterintuitive. It's important to know when to abandon balance altogether and learn how to maximally exploit live opponents in a way that you probably wouldn't in an online game. A lot of the training materials that focus on GTO, solvers and proper play will only provide a baseline, and then it's on you to move away from that as quickly as possible to actually make money.

by CoachJoel23 k

GTO players aren't the ones to be scared of. They are primarily playing a defensive strategy. It will be tough to exploit them for large amounts of money, but they won't be exploiting you maximally either.

5/10 players will on average be better than at 2/5, but probably not by as much as you are expecting. If you are bankrolled properly for 5/10 and are willing to feel a little bit of temporary discomfort, then there's really nothing to fear.

Do you think 20BI enough or whats your preferred amount to be bankrolled properly?

Do you buy in 100BB or prefer to start deeper? Let’s say if i buy in 200BB+ each time i sit down, do i need larger bankroll than 20BI? Maybe 30 will be more appropriate?
