Showing hands online & live
This question is do you ever show hands online or live? I used to never show winning hands, then I started too. Sometimes I would show I had the nuts and the player made a good fold. Now I am thinking what benefit do I really get showing hands???
Would really like to get some feedback on showing hands, do you do it or never do it?
What if a friend is in the hand, would that change matters?
I understand table image, the number of hands you played, etc, etc, but my question is really around do you show hands or not and if you do why?
Thank you
1 Reply
This is the forum for experts to post AMA threads on given topics, not the forum for folks to post whatever questions they have (except within the AMA subject related to its topics).
There are a bunch of threads on this subject, mostly in the live cash strategy forum. Try searching titles for the words "showing hands." Here are a couple: