Dude Mat Skalnsky just messaged me
See above image as proof. 😀 I had to crop out a lot of the image so none of you can stalk/murder me for which I apologize.
8 Replies
I have realized I have spelled Mr. Sklansky's name wrong. I have brought shame to my family.
IDEK what is happening. I've posted this post in the future. See the decrpensy between the posted time and the time in the bottom right on this image.
Please excuse the marked out information so "you people" don't bother and harass me, 😀
I will now use this post to contain all the rants and ravens that I have. The first of which is the mail. I hate the mail. They send us junk made out of paper. They cut down the trees with gas powered tools and move the trees with diesel powered trucks to their god damn paper factory (which is also probably bad for the environment). And then they make the paper. After they make the paper they print a bunch of stuff on it that I don't read. There are mail trucks that bring this smut to my own abode. And then! I just throw it into the garbage. Where the paper lives. And do you know what? The garbage truck (which runs on diesel fuel) takes it away! The whole system is preposterous.
I actually remember the emojis on this site were funnier than they are now. 😵
Lock this thread. Make a new one when David messages you. That would be thread worthy.
Matt starts a thread when I message him.