Questions to help you decide if 4Life/OOT/The Lounge/EDF is the best community forum for you

Questions to help you decide if 4Life/OOT/The Lounge/EDF is the best community forum for you

Is this woman sexually desirable?

Please pick an answer:

1) Yes
2) Ewwwwww, no way
3) Yes, and that pool looks nice too. where is it? and has anyone ever been there? What are the rooms like? Does it have a spa too?
3) Yes, in a Reubenesque way that affirms the vitality and fecundity of womankind via a distinct physical form , that diverts the mind from...(blah,blah)



1) 4Lyfe
2) OOT
3) The Lounge
4) EDF

) 1 View 1
09 July 2009 at 12:39 PM

4 Replies

Earlier posts are available on our legacy forum HERE

Of course, we can't include EDF* for these questions any more.

* For new posters, EDF is a forum that tried to emulate The Lounge. And failed.

by longmissedblind k

I just met a nurse that I could go for...

And yes, these questions perfectly encapsulate the vibe of each forum.

I miss peli

i miss bb4l so much... i bet nobody even remembers who i am i gave alot of my life in this forum literally

★ Recommended Post

Pepperidge farm remembers.
