anatoli karpov's backgammon move
Maybe some will remember me from three years ago. Up until that time i was very active on this forum but had to put an end to it because of severe family circumstances. After this episode i have taken up chess (probably in imitation of Robertie), and am doing quite well in it at the moment. Though two times a week i play a backgammon match against GNU.
Just now I am watching a youtube video about an interview with Karpov. At a certain moment he mentions he was playing backgammon with another befriended chess grandmaster. I am kind of flabbergasted, because his great rival Kasparov looks down upon the game, like also the accomplished chess players at the club i am attending. Curious I googled Karpov and backgammon, and to my surprise there is an article from 1979 from the hand of Paul Magriel about a board position from a game between the two (at least, we presume).
I am not able to present the board position, because without a mouse (right click for the other color) it just does not work. But here is the link, and it would be nice if someone could post it.
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A while ago I stumbled upon a picture of Magriel, playing Karpov in a chess exhibition match. Upon further research it was probably taken on May 17, 1979 when Karpov played 20 challengers at the Game Room in New York. There is a NYTimes article "Two Get Draws As Karpov Plays 20 in New ..." with further details about the event. Paul apparently lost ... :p
I was wondering if anyone knows more about this (first?) encounter of these two giants and if maybe even a record of the game survives?
I'll add a clipping of the ebay photo with the position.
From what I see the position looks like this:
It's Karpov to move and he might be thinking about 1. Nxd5 Nxd5 2. Bxe7 Nxe7 3. Qxb7 ... after which he is a pawn up but with further complications ahead ...
Btw, is that a backgammon board on the table?! 😃