Backgammon Galaxy dice are rigged

Backgammon Galaxy dice are rigged

First, I think the user interface on this site is great. The analysis tools is very useful and the navigation of blots is excellent. Unfortunately, like so many previous on-line backgammon sites, the dice rolls are predictable and rigged. For the life of me I can't understand why these software techies cannot produce a BG site with random dice. It's simply mind-blogging to develop an excellent BG software site, then ruin it with cooked dice.

Before I get into the stats, please, never play for money on this site. You are 100% guaranteed to part with your money.

I've played over 3,000 games on this site so far. I'll keep this simple.

One, I keep a random dice generator next to my desktop. I press the "roll" button on it during close mid-games, races, kill opportunities and bearing off. Of the 3,000 rolls I've compared it to, the Backgammon Galaxy dice have been worse for me on 2,324 rolls. You'd have better luck getting hit by lighting. Of these 3,000 rolls, I've predicted the actual roll on 749 rolls. Call me Nostradamus.

Two, there seems to be an algorithm on the bearing off rolls where 1's are rolled close to half the time. I've played 671 games where the PIPS are within 10 of my opponents, and we are bearing off together (race). Keep in mind I'm AHEAD in about half of these matches and I'm only keeping track when we are +/- 10 pips of each other. I'm not counting all the doubles I get when I'm 50 pips ahead on games I already won (I call these rolls make-up data). Of these 671 games, I've lost 587 (with no errors/blunders) You'd have better luck hooking up with Jennifer Austin after the Golden Globes

Third, the come-in rolls are a complete joke. This gets a little more complicated, but the short is this. When my opponents have three anchors or less on the home board, I come in HALF the time. This stat is over 640 rolls. That's insane.

Forth, there is a "luck" data point at the end of each game. This is somewhat subjective because no-one knows how this is calculated, but I had 28 straight matches where my luck score was worse. Unfortunately, this data point can be rigged, for example, by having the dice roll double 6's when you have one blot leave to bear off and finish game.

I have videos with my phone predicting the rolls. It's quite easy to know when the dice will be cooked.

So what's the motive here? Getting ready for ads to keep users coming back? Is my user name tainted? Do they just do this to certain users? Am I playing against computers? Does this create a physiological need to keep playing? I have commented a few times during games that I think the dice are rigged. Maybe Olsen was one of those players and poisoned my account?

The irony is the site is so well designed that I would pay $20 a month to play on it without ads and with true random dice. Why in the world can't these developers figure this out.

25 January 2020 at 05:15 PM

2 Replies

Earlier posts are available on our legacy forum HERE

One of the members of BG was showing me how to access stats so I could determine (over thousands of matches) if my assumption of my opponents' doubles off the bar at astounding rates was true or not. I was gathering the data to do so (and ready to either prove that the dice are corrupt or to acquiesce to them being fair), but then Backgammon Galaxy went to this "new format". Now stats are not available to "free members". Very convenient.

Also, the new format is not very good. I've lost several matches because the match doesn't start immediately. I guess the program has to match players and sometimes that takes so long that I had to go on to other things on my PC and became preoccupied. Then when the matches started, I didn't know it and my time ran out causing me to lose without even playing. The chat thing is absolutely ridiculous. No "type-in" chat available, just pre-set words and silly icons. And yes, the dice on Backgammon Galaxy are still as unbelievably corrupt as ever.

On other sites, my rating has been close to 2000 (currently at around 1800). As I mentioned in previous posts, I've played in live tourneys in Vegas, Chicago, and Denver and won money and a trophy in a state tourney. On Backgammon Galaxy my rating hovers between the mid 1400's and 1600's). Many of the matches lost are more than laughable at the turn of events against bad players. Anyway, I was ready to prove or be disproven, but was pre-empted out of that with the new format. So for those who want to berate me and criticize me by saying these dice are "normal", save your breath. I was ready to be proven wrong with the actual stats (which I submit wouldn't prove me wrong), but now no stats are available to me. I stand by my other posts.

by chuckles1066 k

Are you prepared to lay that bet with those odds on the Android version of AI Factory Backgammon (current version 3.42)?

Make sure you talk to Jeff Rollason before you do.

I can call the die in certain situations 100% of the time. He's tried using white noise (i.e only call the cheaty bit of code if an RNG call between 0-10 is greater than 7) but he's got loose bits of code in there that cheat anyway.

You *will* lose if you take the bet.

Be careful. Let me know, I'll be happy to bankrupt you - fun

Just following up on this as I didn't get an offer.


I guess you didn't speak to Jeff (or, more likely, you *did* speak to him and he told you not to touch the offer with a bargepole).

Shame, I'd have loved to have rinsed you for everything you've got.
