Mochy Masterclass
Has anyone read the Masterclass book by Mochy? It would be nice to learn from arguably the best player, but have purchased other books published by Backgammon Galaxy and was extremely frustrated with lack of editorial quality, poor writing, terrible printing/binding, etc.
1 Reply
1) Mochy’s chapters (strategic visualization and backgames) are worth reading. Strategic visualization is Mochy’s name for deciding whether you and your opponent have priming or blitzing positions and acting accordingly (i.e., if you’re behind in the race and have decent priming chances you probably don’t want to touch your back checkers). The backgames chapter doesn’t introduce any really new ideas compared to other books, but it’s a well written overview of the major concepts (don’t hit and im
Looking at the slides of the original lecture, it seems to me that this strategic visualization is nothing but a refinement of the criteria for splitting coined by Robertie in his Modern Backgammon. Maybe Mochy acknolewdge this somewhere ? (I did'nt read the book yet.)
Another question : Dan Rovira said
that the book looks like to What's your game plan by Hickey & Storer. Is someone here is thinking the same ?