How to Post a Board Position under Windows

How to Post a Board Position under Windows

Here is one way to paste a board image into a post using Microsoft Windows.

Save a Medium to Small-Sized JPEG or GIF of the Board

  • 1. Setup the position in your favorite bot.
  • 2. Reduce the size of the bot window to a medium or small size. This forces the bot to reduce the size of board, and of the resulting JPEG. A small size is best for images that show only the checkers and the dice. On the other hand, you may wish maximize the size of the window if you want to show rollouts or other small text.
  • 3. In the Accessories folder, use the Snipping Tool to grab and save the board image. The desktop is a fine temporary location, but any folder will do. Names that do not have spaces will work best when you upload the image later. Before grabbing the board, I like to set the “Selection: Ink Color” to white. After you launch the Snipping Tool, you can use the Option menu to set the ink color.

Saving a JPEG in Windows Paint
If you do not have the Snipping Tool, you can use these steps to save the board image:

  • 1. After step 2 above, press Alt+Print Screen to copy the window holding the board. This places a copy of the entire bot window onto the Windows Clipboard.
  • 2. In the Accessories folder, open the Paint program, and press Ctrl+V to paste in your image. Of course, any other paste command will do just as well. Some will prefer Edit->Paste.
  • 3. Click the Rectangular Selection Tool in the Tools Palatte, and drag across the board to select it.
  • 4. Choose Image->Crop to cut out the board.
  • 5. Choose File->Save as… to save the image. Once again, choose any convenient name and folder. Do not forget to “Save as type: JPEG.”

Upload the Image to a Photo-Hosting Site
I have been using, but there are many other photo-hosting sites that will work just as well.

  • 1. Open your web browser to In the United States, you will be redirected to
  • 2. Click the “Browse” button to open the “Select file(s) to upload by” window. It looks just like a typical “File Open” window. Navigate to the folder where your image is stored, and double-click it to begin the upload.
  • 3. On the following screen, I usually omit my email address, but you can enter yours if you wish.
  • 4. Click “Upload Now.”
  • 5. When the upload is complete, you will see several links that you can use to share your image. Copy the “Direct Link,” along with any others you find interesting, and save them in a text file on your hard drive in the same folder as the original image.

Post a Message to the Two-Plus-Two Backgammon Forum

  • 1. Go to the Two-Plus-Two Backgammon Forum, and begin composing a message as you would normally do.
  • 2. When you want to insert the board image, click the "Insert Image" icon (it looks like a picture of a sunny mountain).
  • 3. In the small window that opens, delete the text that is shaded blue, and paste the Direct Link you saved above.
  • 4. Click OK.
  • 5. Complete the rest of your message.

Congratulations! That's all there is to it.

14 December 2010 at 08:29 AM