Interesting position - choice of game plans
The options I considered are to step up 24/23 and play 15/9, play safe with 15/8, or make the 5-prime with 13/7, 8/7. Options I didn't consider at the time are 24/17 and 24/23 8/2*.
What's your play and why?
4 Replies
So you're leading 2-0 in a 7-pt match, right?
I don't like 15/9 as it doesn't seem constructive.
13/7 8/7 leaves an extra blot and the back checker completely separated.
So it leaves 15/8 or the intriguing 24/23 8/2*.
The race being even after your roll, the match score and White's better board push me toward the safe play: 15/8.
(But I'm not sure at all, because 24/23 seems somewhat important.)
I could be way off, but I think it's either 13/7 8/7 or 24/17 because those are the plays where you might be a favorite next roll. I thought maybe 24/17, try to solve most of your problems, but it's 26 shots including 66 and 44 -- seems pretty expensive when you aren't getting a new asset for the shots. So I'll go with 13/7 8/7, but would definitely defer to a doubles partner if they felt strongly about another play!
In fact, 24/17 would leave 26 shots excluding 44 and 66.
That would be 28 shots total!
I went with 13/7 8/7, reasoning that White has a reasonable number of misses which give me a solid advantage, and even if I get hit, with 2 enemy checkers behind a 5-prime I will always have chances.
Surprisingly, Gnu considers all the plays very close, with a slight preference to hitting with 8/2* and stepping up.