Transitioning to micro stakes

Transitioning to micro stakes

I’ve been considering playing online and would really prefer not to but just in case I do, I wanted to get your opinions on why I may have had such a bad time with it every time I’ve tried.

I’ve played live (cash and tourneys) for 20 years across multiple cities and always been a winning player at 1/3, 2/5, 5/10, and won several tournaments or cashed many times.

However, EVERY single time I’ve tried to play micro stakes online, I lose my deposit. Every single time - no exception. Granted, I haven’t tried very often but often enough to wonder what is going on. I have an exactly 0% win rate online and a 65% win rate live.

I feel like I need to play at lower stakes to be properly bankrolled after coming back to the game following a long hiatus but can’t play online unless I can figure out what is going wrong online.

Yes, I know players are supposedly better online and live is supposedly softer, but a 0% win rate seems a little extreme.

Any ideas would be appreciated.

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29 February 2024 at 09:12 PM

6 Replies

If I was in your position, I wouldn't even bother with online

0% doesn't mean anything without additional context.

I play both and online is wayy harder than the live competitive stakes. You are probably playing higher than you should, I’d say start at 2nl or 5nl to get the hang of it at least then move up from there if you feel confident. Also you should play a lot tighter than you’re used to if you’re losing your deposit that fast. A $20 deposit in 2nl should last a long time even for a losing/break even player. 5nl is comparative to 1/2 live, 10nl 1/3 etc. I haven’t played higher than 25nl so I don’t know for sure but that’s how I would compare it.

Thanks guys. Yeah I do agree that it seems I’m having a hard time adjusting to the different style. What’s weird is that in live cash games I’m known for being extremely tight. It’s hard to imagine that I need to tighten up more. But I think you’re right. I think when I play online at micro stakes, the style of play SEEMS so loose and random at times that I’m changing up my usual style to adjust to it and getting it way wrong somehow. Online seems to be such a weird style and I’m having a hard time figuring out my opponents without visual and auditory cues/tells, especially since most of my strength is in reading those.

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Same situation here.
I am doing better than 0%, but the variance is unbelievable at the micros.
I picked up a course through (I can pm you the info) and this has helped with the book and videos.
I also found that Poker Tracker4 has become my best friend.
I am still a ways from being where I want to be. It is a different game! ( and I have been told that I am very good live by many, but I know the truth!, so no expert here!)
Best thing, Study this game as a newbie and review each hand and look for your leaks.Get back on a live table with confidence that you never knew you had.
Lastly, It is such a different game of the same game.View it this way, and Study. Your villains are constantly studying too improve.

Very difficult to find juicy cash games from what I'm being told. Even good Players in states that have been online for less than 18 months are indicating that it's 'hard work' to find a good table and then people just jump around or CnD all the time.

Apparently there are some new Apps out there where you can play on device/phone where the Player Pool is more controlled and thus plays 'exactly' like live poker. You need to find a Host and go from there. Much cleaner than PPP/PokerBros from what I'm told.

A local Player bum-hunted a Player online from 11pm to 7am for 6 weeks before receiving the invite to a group/App game. Now he's the local 'Host' and the Player Pool is way happier with the experience than that of traditional online sites. GL

PS .. These games also play closer to 'live' stakes on the skill level as well. One App plays nothing but $3 NL/PLO Bomb pots and there's plenty of action/chips flying all around .. all night.
