Hostility at a local pub game

Hostility at a local pub game

About 7 or 8 months ago I started playing poker at a local pub on a Tuesday night. There's a couple of people that were going there before me who almost immediately took a very strong disliking to the way I play poker.

They tend to call / limp a lot of hands pre flop and my strategy has always been to make some relatively strong pre flop raises when I have a viable hand that I don't want to see a multi way pot on. I'll also 3 bet a lot in comparison to what they are used to. Quite often this means that they put money into the pot and then have to fold their ~Q2s that they limped in with from early position without getting to see a flop. Apparently this is highly frustrating for them and they don't try particularly hard to hide the fact that they hate playing against me.

They seem to have convinced themselves that they come down to play a "friendly game" and the way that I play is not friendly so it apparently ruins the game for them. They seem to expect me to change my game to play closer to how they play (Lower 3 bets and smaller pre flop raises).

The way I see it is that I'm playing the game how I believe it is supposed to be played and if they don't like it that's their problem. If the way other people play poker bothers them so much, maybe they should take up a different hobby, like netball or something. I am not going to change the way I play poker to suit them and I think that any expectation that I should is completely misplaced. Despite their hostility, I always try to be civil. I am trying to have a friendly game with them but ironically, I think their open hostility due to their dislike of the way I play seems to be the main factor preventing us from having a friendly game.

I've let them know that I think it's pretty ridiculous that they seem to expect me to change my game to suit them but I think I'm going to call them out on it properly soon as it's getting a bit boring now watching them tearing up every time I make a big raise / 3 bet.

How would you approach this?

18 March 2024 at 10:44 PM

2 Replies

Feel good to get that off your chest? Ha. On a serious note though, my local pub game is exactly the same. Loads of limpers and they moan when someone raises after they limp. I'd ignore them and keep punishing them for being terrible at poker.

I can put myself exactly into your spot .. I've got 1-2 Players who will immediately ask for a table change if I get seated at their 1/2 table! I rarely limp, open and 3-bet from everywhere and am more than willing to isolate a short stack if there's 'enough' dead money already out there (with marginal holdings) at those stakes.

How many tables at this pub? Is it regulated or raked? Do you have any other poker outlets? What is your goal when sitting down at this table? What is the Pub's goal for hosting the game? How are the first set of Players decided? (ie .. can they keep you off the table?)

Since this is a 'public' game, not a home game, you should be able to play any way you want to .. but there are always other circumstances to consider for the long term (possibly).

I would start by saying "I'm just doing what I see on TV and YouTube." And then follow that up with "I'm getting you ready for those Big Boys in Vegas!"

I guess I would also ask if you are personable and provide a reasonable amount of table talk? You can typically 'get away' with aggressive play if you are 'part of the crew' so to speak.

How would I handle it? Bluntly and directly as I have for years. I 'teach' (perhaps 'preach' is better) at the table .. my strategies are no secret and I have no problem letting the Players know exactly what I'm doing and why. Once I got comfortable with poker I wanted to help others get comfortable so they would continue to play. My feeling is also that if everyone at the table gets 'better' then I will naturally improve my game as a biproduct.

What does that do for your spot? I have no clue without more information from the questions above. My guess is that everyone knows everyone and they very easily could be playing at somebody's house instead of the Pub.

I'm not saying you should downgrade your play, but I also think you need to treat this as a home game and perhaps downshift a little. This is one night .. 'their' night .. the Pub's night. If this was darts or pool what would happen?

I have a high school buddy who plays in a dime/quarter game and he said he'd can't have me there because I'd run the table over. I told him I just want to be there to socialize and can adjust my game to the Players (who don't want to lose more than $50 in one night). Finally got the invite and now I'm the #1 sub when the lineup needs filling.

Lot of babble here, but there are so many variables to consider. Even though it's a public game, you are still probably not considered a 'Reg' as of yet .. so figure out a way to act like a gracious guest while still playing your game as close as you find spots to do so. GL
