Please need help.

Please need help.

Who is the winner here?

28 July 2024 at 05:52 AM

8 Replies

It’s a split pot, everyone has a straight, k high. Best five card hand is a good rule of thumb. 9tjqk

Everyone with a ten in their hand. Suits don't matter, no one has a flush or Ace ten for the nut straight, aka Broadway

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by Nicosanmartin k

Who is the winner here?

We are, my friend, we are. Fourfth.

by Nicosanmartin k


Who is the winner here?

is there a pot to chop?

Kickers don't matter.

cannot believe just a bunch of serious answers.

how far has NVG fallen.

seriously just shut the NVG forum down.

by riverboatking k

cannot believe just a bunch of serious answers.

how far has NVG fallen.

seriously just shut the NVG forum down.

Ok, guess JTd won, with that impressive four flush. Only guy smartly using that 5.

by riverboatking k

cannot believe just a bunch of serious answers.

how far has NVG fallen.

seriously just shut the NVG forum down.

In defense of this thread, there IS one Photoshop tucked in here.
