Help me understand "Only getting called by better hands" **NEW** legionrainfall Containment
How does this work? Where can I learn about this?
How do you know you won't be called by a weaker hand?
Hero = KK
Flop = AK5
Everyone says "you will never be called by weaker hand. Stupid to bet"
Why? Who says AK won't call?
4 Replies
Just stumbled upon this thread. Incredible.
You appear to miss the point of his nearly four-year-old question. Madlex certainly knows what a C-bet is, and does not need to look up the term. He asked how you came to the decision to do so.
When you are the preflop raiser, do you C-bet 100 percent of the time?
• If your answer is YES, what are some examples of hands where a C-bet might be detrimental to you?
• If your answer is NO, what considerations go into your decision to C-bet or not to C-bet?
Everyone in this thread knows what a continuation bet is. That's not the issue. It's just that no one could tell you whether or not the C-bet was good, bad, or neither – nor they can they opine on your decision to check/fold if your flop bet gets called – until they knew what was behind the decision-making.
As a 20 year micro/low stakes winning player OP you really should stop making excuses, arguing and telling everyone else in this thread how to play. You're a losing player at by far the easiest stakes simply because you don't understand, won't listen and can't grasp the simple concept they're trying to explain here.
You're also over thinking, playing well above you pool players thinking level and over thinking every hand and situation like this you get in. Even 20 years ago winning players didn't C-bet 100% of the time.
Hell OP you'd be better off forgetting everything you think you currently know about playing poker, starting completely over from scratch and learning to play a simple TAG style from 15+ years ago. Between playing a TAG style and being okish at the following anyone can be a winning player: bankroll management, mental toughness/tilt control and patience that's all it takes to beat 2nl-50nl even in 2024.
Fwiw I play full-ring cash at Pokerstars and haven't completely finished studying or reading any new poker books or courses in 15+ years now. That's how easy it is to still beat micro/low stakes. This is not a brag either at best I'm a meh-ok player talent/knowledge wise. Pool player is just still that terrible.
The amazing thing in all this though is players read threads like this yet still believe online poker will die or is dying and that it's hard to be profitable in 2024. Wrong on all counts. Fact is online poker at high stakes is dying and it's hard to make a living playing online in 2024. Where the vast majority of us play poker will never die and always be profitable because there's still many many players exactly like the OP.
Eminently exploitable. Poker is a predatory game, and you are prey.
And to all micro players asking about GTO. Learn it so can recognize it when you see it, but do not not play GTO in the micros. Otherwise you deny yourself the pleasure of taking every penny of this guy's bankroll. (hint - he's not the only prey out there to be exploited)