Modern Strategy for Micro/Low Online Cash games, recomended resources?
Recently started playing again after a 3 year hiatus, mainly played 2/5 Live.
I deposited a $100 on Poker stars, played 10NL and after 10.1k hands im sitting at 10.85bb/100.
I've watched a few videos on YouTube to brush off the rust and re-familiarize with the basic concepts.
Was curious if anyone had suggestions on other advanced material I can consume (modern stategy)
The bet sizings in my games seem so small ( 25-40% pot sized bets, i'm so used to live play , pot sized and 75% sized bets are normal)
Thanks for your time for reading, have a good day.
3 Replies
Subscription to runitonce or upswing would be good content for you
This isn't a direct answer to your question, but 10k hands is basically nothing. 10.85bb/100=1085bb/10000. Two coolers or bad beats for 100bb and suddenly you're sitting at 885bb/11000 or whatever, five straight bad beats for your stack and you're at 535bb/12000 or whatever so you can see how quickly it can swing.
One thing I used to say a lot back when I was a frequent poster is, I don't like the mindset of "book x is outdated." I prefer a mindset of "book x only works when the villains follow pattern y." It may indeed be rare to find villains who follow a certain pattern in certain games, but when you do find those villains (and you occasionally will), you'll thank your lucky stars you learned how to beat them.
A great example of this is Blackrain's Crushing the Microstakes. It is, arguably, the definitive guide for beating calling stations who think on level 1. Obviously it's harder to FIND calling stations who think on level 1 even on the lowest-stakes tables in online microstakes, but the tables do exist, and when you find them, you'll be glad you learned how to fleece them for every big blind you can.
Blackrain did write a second book - I forget what it's called - Modern Smallstakes maybe? It got mixed reviews, some people said it was good advice, some people said it would be suicide against any thinking reg. But at least it makes you think - you're at a table with no calling stations. Well what patterns DO the villains follow, and what's the best strategy to fleece those villains? He goes through some ideas of each.
Hope that helped. Good luck!
Thank you for your thought full post, lots of food for thought. I'll seek out those books to digest