Preflop 3 Bet Ranges
Just looking for some more advice on some preflop ranges, trying to learn these to memory to give me a sort of base to play from.
General 3 Bet Range
In Position facing a 3 bet
Out of Position facing a 3 bet
Purple is Raise, Green is Call, Gold is Fold. Will take any advice here, hands that need to be removed or added etc. I understand its not a perfect science due to a variety of factors but like I said just looking to establish a base.
Thanks in advance.
2 Replies
You can find free preflop solved ranges on gtowizard's website if you sign up with an email (for free).
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As a general statement, you can 3-bet around the top 40-50% of someone's RFI range when you are IP and about 30-40% of their RFI range when you're OOP.
Defense vs. 3bets is heavily dependent on 3bet sizing, stack depth, and the 3bet range.
Great comment from a coach!! GL