Should I fold QQ allin pre here?
2 Replies
You should have simply posted the preflop action and asked the question.
Depending on a number of factors, the answer to your question is very likely to be "Yes, the call was correct."
However, all you posted was the result of the hand, which is 100% irrelevant to whether or not your play was correct.
The answer is generally no, you should not fold QQ pre flop. That is not a hard and fast answer. If you have a read on villain that his 3 bet range is very tight, then sure you can fold it. Absent such a read you probably have to call, especially with a massive sizing. Do you really think most villains are shoving AA and KK like this?
Agree about posting results. The result of the hand is irrelevant. BTW there is a “Bad Beats, Brags, and Variance” sub forum on here. Maybe this post belongs there? I don’t think there’s much to say about this spot in terms of actual strategy.