Need help with graph!
Hey guys,
i play poker since a long time as a rec and decided to finally give it a proper go. I did play a **** ton of poker for over a decade, and id say im a decent "feel" player. Did quite well in PLO8/mixed game MTTs aswell over quite a decent sample size. Regardless, i wanna change my habits and actually start sitting down and study and put a goal.
Set my eyes on PLO25 zoom for the start. I have a bit of experience in PLO but only now picked up studying 2 days ago. Anyways, i figured it would be good to get a decent sample size in and see where my "natural" game is at tho. I have never used a tracker or anything like that before so im a bit confused, hopefully someone here can help me make sense of it! (i know its still a small sample size btw.)
Basically, my graph so far looks pretty horrible i think? Especially because the yellow line is also down and it looks like im running above EV altough im losing. Now what i dont understand is, the way i thought the yellow line works is that it will only go up or down in an all in situation. I played a session today and got my money in good most of the times, but the line still went down. I than watched it while playing and it moved even when there was no allin spots. Can someone explain to me how it acutally works?
Also, how bad does my graph look? 😃
2 Replies
non all in situation = yellow and green are in tandem
all-in situation = based on equity (that is when they will diverge)
^ so if you're losing in general (green line), then yellow line will still go down.
your graph is meaningless... 4k hands doesn't mean anything.
That makes sense, thank you!