Like seriously, WTF was I thinking?!?
Newish player here that's working towards breakeven at 2nl. I routinely go through all my hands the next day and snip out the good and bad hands to comment on them in my poker diary. Today, I snipped this:

UTG had a fold to 3-bet of 60.
Seriously, WTF was I thinking?!? Trying to 3-bet steal from SB vs. UTG open? And then trying to steal again with a turn stab when his range has a ton of aces? It's like I decided to become superfish. I can only shake my head and laugh at yesterdays self, cause that dude was mental. 😵
13 Replies
Is there a question? This is not the Blog area of 2+2
Was more a comment to see if other beginners relate or if I'm just being stupid. Apologies on the non question post. Still learning the culture of this community.
25 opportunities to three bet or fold. Perhaps more is needed in that case?
In GTO land, maybe 3 betting K3o from the SB vs an EP raise is a decent play, especially if the raiser really is overfolding to 3 bets. At /NL, though, you don’t need such fancy play. Just wait for a better spot. You make most of your money by value betting big hands against players who flop top pair and just can’t bear to let it go. No need IMO to make plays like this one.
AP, the PF 3 bet might make sense as an exploit if he his fold to 3 bet stat is actually representative. However, assuming he isn’t opening an abnormally wide range, the EP opening range is fairly strong to begin with. If he is actually folding the bottom 60% of a strong range, then his range that continues to the flop is likely very strong. It makes little sense to try to bluff him off his hand post flop since he likely will have a much stronger range than you do.
If you are going to play preflop like that*, you need to bet that flop.
*Don't play trash from the SB.
At your limits it might be useful for you to look at what your population's average fold to 3-bet is from EP after RFI and being IP to the 3-bettor.
It's going to be much much lower than 60%
There is a difference between a villain having a fold to 3-bet of 60% and a fold to 3-bet of 60% from EP. There are a number of reasons an individual might have an overall stat that is high for folding to 3-bet, but not reliable or close to that value for when they RFI from EP/MP. For example, someone might RFI very very wide from SB as an exploit to their population overfolding/underraising in the BvB node... doing this might lead to them folding to a 3-bet after RFI from SB something like 70+% of the time... this will lower their overall fold to 3-bet value quite a bit.
Was more a comment to see if other beginners relate or if I'm just being stupid. Apologies on the non question post. Still learning the culture of this community.
Can definitely relate. If you are like me, chances are, you werent thinking at all. You were on autopilot, or controlled by your emotions, maybe you were bored and wanted to play a hand, maybe you wanted to get one over that guy or whatever.
Tips to help deal with that:
-dont play tired, bored, distracted
-take a break if you notice yourself tilting. If you have problems with self awareness, take breaks after losing big pots or set a stop loss
-slow down, play as few tables as you can without getting distracted (preferably one), try not to make instant actions
-pay attention to whats going on in the hand, even if you already folded, put people on ranges, maybe think about next possible actions (that will help you when you're playing your own hands, since when you're not in the hand, you arent emotionally invested)
-make a structured step by step thought process for yourself, maybe a list of questions you're gonna ask yourself on your second monitor or a sticky note or whatever. Honestly, i think the questions themselves are not as important as just having them. You can ask yourself about ranges, board textures, equities, whats the theoretical play here, what are your opponents relevant stats or notes if you have them etc etc. The goal is to start thinking instead of just clicking buttons on a whim.
If you are like me, you will have to fight yourself to snap out of autopilot mode and start actively thinking. Its hard and my brain doesnt want to do it, so i have to force it, but it gets easier with time. It was and probably still is my biggest leak. Im still a big fish even in the lowest microstakes (in accordance with my username), but not as massive as i used to be.
Good luck
In GTO land, maybe 3 betting K3o from the SB vs an EP raise is a decent play, especially if the raiser really is overfolding to 3 bets.
Without wasting the pennies to fire up the solver, I'll go out on a limb and say it's spewy regardless of how the EP raiser normally responds when 3-bet.
Ah yes, K3o, of the off suited variety.
learn to win without a HUD at this level.
find a preflop hand chart immediately.
Can definitely relate. If you are like me, chances are, you werent thinking at all. You were on autopilot, or controlled by your emotions, maybe you were bored and wanted to play a hand, maybe you wanted to get one over that guy or whatever.
If you are like me, you will have to fight yourself to snap out of autopilot mode and start actively thinking. Its hard and my brain doesnt want to do it, so i have to force it, but it gets easier with time. It was and probably still is my biggest leak. Im s
Thanks for the advice--I think/know this is really the issue. Appreciate the practical tips. 😀