Was I correct to fold trips here?
For context, I am pretty much a fish but I play online recreationally.
UTG made a standard 3bb raise and it folded around to me in the SB - I call with A2 hearts, BB folds.
Flop comes 9c 2s 2c
Villain bets 1/3 pot, i decide to make a 3x raise (sometimes ill flat call in this spot)
Villain calls and the turn comes Kc, putting the flush on the board.
I bet 1/3 pot, and villain raises me 3.5x
I only had about 30 seconds to think it over, but in the end I decided to fold.
My thought process was that in the unlikely event I river the full house it will be very hard to get paid anyway, plus there's the occasional situation im up against 9's full or even Kings full.
Against this villain in particular, there is almost no chance he was bluffing on such a wet board, its very safe to assume he had the flush at worst.
In hindsight, I think the major mistake here was betting the turn when the flush came. I'd love to hear opinions on this.
Was I wrong to fold? Was the turn bet a bad idea?
Thank you in advance!
1 Reply
You were wrong to call from the SB w/ A2hh. 3bet or fold.
Bet/fold turn is fine vs. this player.