Preflop charts resources, please share! ++ my 2 month poker journey stat as a losing player

Preflop charts resources, please share! ++ my 2 month poker journey stat as a losing player

2 months stats: (started 2 months ago)

This month stats:

Hello all! I have been told to work on my preflop so here I am! I am going to play tighter on preflop and follow the GTO charts, please do share some preflop charts resources that you think is good! I am looking at one and will compile them all.

Also Poker teaches u another level of tilt, lost a ton of rebuys tilting. It unlocks levels of tilt that you never know! I enjoy it though....

I am using this as a reference for my preflop:

Do let me know if there are any better ones, or what u think is good! i will compile and cross refer.

As you can see above the stats shared, Got to work on my big blind defend. I think back then I had a lot of squeeze using big blind position with marginal hands....maybe I can look it up as a stat

14 March 2025 at 10:38 AM

2 Replies

First glance id see that should just fold all in bb

Also why i cant find any big blind preflop chatrts? I ve been spending some time but cant find
