My Latest Book: HUPLO: The Definitive Guide

My Latest Book: HUPLO: The Definitive Guide

Hi Guys, My name is Cory Mikesell and Iā€™m excited to announce the release of my newest book for serious PLO players:

HUPLO: The Definitive Guide.

This book is the culmination of years of my own creative approach to studying and the work I've done with numerous HUPLO crushers.

If you want to find out more about it, check out the latest Runchuks Podcast where we discuss the book and a myriad of other topics. Thanks!

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29 May 2021 at 12:01 AM

12 Replies

Earlier posts are available on our legacy forum HERE

by Vvvvv k

Still selling the book?

Hi yes, absolutely. It's available on my website ""

by reo. k


yeah some troll got in the thread, got a hold of my personal information and started sending me death threats directly. I purposed a match at some point and he disappeared. To be fair, I think he might have been mentally ill based on the comments made in other forums. Hope he gets help.

by rickroll k

what was the kido pham incident?

There was a famous real time assistance player cheating in HU on ACR with the name Kidopham. I outted him and a number of extremely strong players like Amsogood and Nick Frame came to the thread and agreed. Then a number of randoms accused me of being both a bot and a losing player simultaneously. One even posted the tournament results of Kidopham the live poker player (no one thinks he's cheating. The cheater just used the name as a SN) and someone whose name was vaguely close to mine, in order to prove I'm a weak player. The player using RTA was later banned from Party Poker for cheating and had already been banned from Stars. Subsequently, in order to hide the problem, ACR removed HU tables.

Can anyone who has read this give a review?

by MegaWhale69 k

Can anyone who has read this give a review?

i have it pirated and it is ****. OP thinks someone who read this book will beat plo500-1k in pokerstars while he cant beat the games himself if he plays with 100bb+ trying to hold the lobbies

by gtlol k

i have it pirated and it is ****. OP thinks someone who read this book will beat plo500-1k in pokerstars while he cant beat the games himself if he plays with 100bb+ trying to hold the lobbies

I held lobbies at 25-50.

I also released fake versions on the pirate sites šŸ˜€

by MegaWhale69 k

Can anyone who has read this give a review?

Hi Mega,

I'd be more than happy to give you a tour of the book if you'd like. Just send me a PM here or on RIO. Thanks!

by restacks k

I held lobbies at 25-50.

I also released fake versions on the pirate sites šŸ˜€

You held the lobbies in 25-50 against fishes when no other regs were active in the same timezone. You didnt held the lobbies in peak hours. You were a good shortstacker and bad deepstack. I bet you dont have more than one student who you took him either as losing player or as winning low stakes reg and they beat plo1k heads up in right now

by restacks k

I held lobbies at 25-50.

I also released fake versions on the pirate sites šŸ˜€

I call bullshit on this one. If you are lazy and produce terrible rio videos, you dont have the work ethic to actually make a fake version. I have the book from your site through a friend and i will buy the fake one just to prove how full of **** you are


You held the lobbies in 25-50 against fishes when no other regs were active in the same timezone. You didnt held the lobbies in peak hours. You were a good shortstacker and bad deepstack. I bet you dont have more than one student who you took him either as losing player or as winning low stakes reg and they beat plo1k heads up in right now

both incorrect and some nice "moving the goal posts" logical fallacy


I call bullshit on this one. If you are lazy and produce terrible rio videos, you dont have the work ethic to actually make a fake version. I have the book from your site through a friend and i will buy the fake one just to prove how full of **** you are

I'll just let the absurdity of this one sink in for the viewers at home lol

I realize this is a pretty old thread. At $1597, I'm unable to afford it. Curious if anyone purchased it, and can give an honest review?
