Limit Hold 'em Poker For Advanced Players Now Available

Limit Hold 'em Poker For Advanced Players Now Available

Hi Everyone:

Our book Limit Hold 'em Poker for Advanced Players is now available.

Here is the Amazon page for the printed book:

and here is the Amazon page for the kindle:


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15 September 2022 at 06:47 PM

3 Replies

Earlier posts are available on our legacy forum HERE

Has this book changed significantly from the older versions apart from the clarifying "Limit" in the title?

It includes a lot of new info for today’s games and is broader and more comprehensive in my opinion. Worth a buy if you play mid l8 it hold em these days.

Between 2000 and 2020 we've seen a lot of poker engines who have attempted to beat the game, in the earlier years these have usually played Limit, due to the reduced complexity when compared to no limit.

Only recently has the state of the art moved to no limit, which could be considered an argument for considering Limit Holdem play solved.

Is there any material on the new chapters that touches on these developments directly? Or have you have you noticed any change in strategy indirectly attributable to these kinds of engines?

Perhaps the effect of these developments may be reflected in the approach taken with chapters like "Identifying Highly Beatable Games", which are more in line of finding, playing and maximizing advantage against weak players rather than trying to beat good players who may already be very close to unexploitable.
