Harrington Books

Harrington Books

Greetings everyone,

Question about playing small and mid stakes MTT’s.

Is “Harrington on Holdem” volumes 1-3 still enough to do well at these levels, or do I need to learn GTO strategy that seems to be the gold standard of study these days?

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18 July 2024 at 08:35 PM

4 Replies

Btw….the stakes I play at are $50 - $150 with roughly 60 - 100bb starting stacks.

Players range from not so good to very good….but mostly very average.

For live MTTs, maybe.
For online MTTs, hell no!

by donkey22 k

Greetings everyone,

Question about playing small and mid stakes MTT’s.

Is “Harrington on Holdem” volumes 1-3 still enough to do well at these levels, or do I need to learn GTO strategy that seems to be the gold standard of study these days?

You may want to look at this book as well:


I will definitely check this out….thanks Mason!
