About This Forum

About This Forum

This forum exists to facilitate the discussion of books, magazines, videos/DVDs, and other poker related publications.

What is expected of you...
Keep your new threads and posts on topic. All other content will be moved to the appropriate forum or deleted.

Please make use of the search function before posting. Instructions on how to use the search function can be found here. We do encourage new discussions on everything in this forum. However, your basic questions about what books to read, for example, has most likely been discussed. Use the search function to obtain an answer. The search function is located in the middle of the top menu bar at all times.

Be specific in your requests. If you would like to know what book to read next provide details. Details would include but are not limited to:
Type of game: Limit Hold'em, No-Limit Hold'em, Pot-Limit Omaha, etc
Level or Stakes: $0.50/$1.00, $5/$10, $20/$40, etc
Skill Level: Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced

Be specific in your replies. If someone is looking for thoughts on a book give them an answer and information to support your answer. Do not just say, "it sucks" or "skip it". Provide the OP with your reasoning. If you're to take the time to reply do it right. Simply saying, "it sucks" does not help anyone and does not encourage discussion. Replies like that which are unsupported will be deleted and the member posting it may receive an infraction.

Treat everyone with respect. I will not tolerate any kind of abuse by anyone. In the past I gave warnings first for this type of violation. Starting now any member who feels the need to bash, mistreat, or make any type of personal attack on another member, mod, or admin will be suspended from the forums. The length of suspension will be based upon the severity of the infraction and member history. Repeat offenders will be banned permanently.

Be patient with new members. Most new members will not be familiar with what goes on in the forums and the rules. Help them. Answer their questions the best you can. Point them in the right direction if need be. We were all new here at one time.

What is not allowed...
Do not discuss torrents.
Do not advertise.
Do not post book sales.
Do not link affiliate websites.

This thread is a work in progress. I will be adding to it as time goes on. Some of what I posted above is common sense. Some of it contains information you may not have been aware of. If you have questions regarding any of this please feel free to send me a private message. If you're unsure of whether or not something you wish to post is appropriate feel free to contact me, Mat Sklansky, or Mason Malmuth through private message. I'm also more than happy to hear your comments and suggestions. I'm working hard to make the Books and Publications forum one of the best forums Two Plus Two has to offer. Your help in accomplishing this goal is appreciated.

Personal Note From deacsoft
Those of you who have been around know me as logical, respectful, and fair. I don't abuse my authority, and I try to keep this forum running smoothly. Due to recent events and my long time goal of returning 2+2 to it's former splendor I will be "cracking down". Much of this is due to the decline of quality posting and the abundance of recent personal attacks taking place in this forum. It will no longer be tolerated. I expect everyone to conduct themselves appropriately. I expect this forum to be informative, interesting, and enjoyable for everyone. Please do your part.

) 3 Views 3
12 December 2007 at 06:47 AM