Wanna get high? ... Investing in marijuana

Wanna get high? ... Investing in marijuana

I love marijuana. It's awesome. And since it's becoming legal or accepted or what have you, I expect more people will realize how awesome it is, and the market will grow.

Anyways, that's my whole investment strategy right now, which isn't much of one. So I thought I'd start this thread because a new market is beginning and there probably are a lot of opportunities—same as a lot of scams and hype.

My finance and investing knowledge is negligible, so I'm just sharing some of what I've found so far. There are a few ETFs out there, a few major growers in Canada, and a lot of tiny pot businesses that went public but apparently aren't subject to the same reporting requirements and are kinda sketchy.


  • MJ—this fund used to focus on Latin American real estate, but I guess weed sounded more interesting. US-listed, focused on Canadian and global markets.
  • HMJR (Horizons Junior Marijuana Growers Index ETF)--this fund is focused on small-cap companies, mostly on the production/grow side.
  • HMLSF (Horizons Marijuana Life Sciences Index ETF)--Largest cannabis ETF out there, I believe.

Individual companies

  • CGC (Canopy Growth) (closed $9.77 10/5)--Largest cannabis company by market cap? Big grower
  • ACBFF (Aurora Cannabis) ($9.87)--Canadian producer
  • NXTTF (Namaste Technologies) ($1.62)--an e-commerce medical marijuana company
  • TGODF (Green Organic Flying Dutchman) ($4.90)--Large Canadian producer with global expansion ideas
  • CRON (Cronos Group) ($9.77) --Diversified and vertically integrated cannabis company
  • HYYDF (Hexo Corp) ($6.53)--Producer, recently announced a partnership with Molson to develop cannabis-infused non-alcvoholic drinks
  • MJNA (Medical Marijuana Inc.) ($0.09)--Holding company with hemp-based subsidiaries
  • CNTTF (CannTrust Holdings) ($9.32)--Another producer with another beverage deal, this one less well-known
  • MCIG(mCig Inc) ($0.26)--Owns all or part of several cannabis-focused businesses

Right now I've got MJ Apr 18 2019 39 Call and I've been buying shares of TGODF.

07 October 2018 at 01:51 AM

2 Replies

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Bumping for Swag

★ Recommended Post

Thanks for bump. Wanted to bring this thread back in case things happen this year.

Hold a decent position in TILRAY (LOL) so will report back if things move later this year..
