Mindflayers journey to 100k PMNI

Mindflayers journey to 100k PMNI

You can tell I have been around for a while from my join date and number of posts. PMNI = Passive Montly Net Income.

I used to post on 2+2 and read here every day when I started (the poker threads) then i move to (business finance and investing) when I moved out of poker and into business and real estate. When my business plans started to work, i stopped coming here and reading/posting. I did visit frequently but i moved to (health and fitness), but that stopped as well when that started to work too!

My current goal is to make 100k per month in passive NET income. That may sound ridiculous, but my last goal was set too low and when I hit it I retired and it took me a long time to get my mind turned around.

I have been putting my notes onto paper and plans into action for about two years now and wanted a place to refine my plan and have anyone who follows poke as many holes into it as they can find; show me the weaknesses that I cannot see.

I am going try to post maybe 5 times per week at the start and go up or down from there depending on how busy i get.

Feel free to post, ask questions, even tell me I am full of it and it can't be done.
I look forward to having you follow me on my journey.

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09 November 2019 at 07:51 PM

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