2024 Trading Thread
Well, 2023 went really well with less than market risk so well done me.
First trade of 2024 is $CPRI which is being taken over by $TPR at $57 cash.
FTC is looking into the merger and has asked for a second review, but it's really hard to see them being made a bigger laughingstock over actually trying to block a midtier leather bag and expensive shoe merger than the giant laughingstock they were made over the ATVI deal.
Deal is supposed to close ~end of Q1 now since FTC asked for more info. 14% deal spread is a nice annualized rate. It's a $6bn deal so you can buy all you want.
Tapestry has already raised the required funds in the bond market. No chance they try to [or can] void the deal with a MAC clause in Delaware.
Obv risk is deal breaking, stock probably drops to $35ish. Market is too pessimistic on this deal which is the issue.
If Microsoft, NVidia and Apple were to double from here their market capitilastion would be 78% of US GDP.
It wouldn't make any sense.
So you could have 2 scenarios, where either returns start to become very low or we have some kind of a crash.
I would bet on a crash, because it's just not in Wall Street's nature to be subdued. It's the biggest Diva you've ever met in your whole entire life.
U forget money printing which would Increase gdp similarly to the stocks .
You're point made me ask the question is inflation included in GDP. The answer is no. Real GDP which is reported by the government excludes inflation.
I asked this question to Google's Gemini, Microsoft's CoPilot and Perplexity.
Google Gemini couldn't give an answer for political reasons, Microsoft's CoPilot didn't answer the question, Perplexity gave an A plus outstanding answer.
Google and Microsoft are dog poop companies and are to be sold.

the big tech companies incorporating LLMs still in nascent stages. accuracy will improve and gaffes like pizza glue will reduce
MSFT owns half of OpenAI which gives them decent option value even if they fail to integrate properly near term
Once you fall behind in tech it's very difficult to get you're lead back. Think Disney trying to catch Netflix.
Download perplexity on you're phone. It's amazing. You can delete your google app.
Also, try Brave browser ahead of Google Chrome and Microsoft Edge Browser.
It's incredible. Much faster, completely private and no tracking or ads.
That's probably why Microsoft and Google are going up and Nike is going down.
Any rational individual knows that Nike is the best of the best, Wall Street trying to shake weak hands out there, whereas with Google and Microsoft, Wall Street knows that it's the beginning of the end for those companies, and it wants to trap as much money in those stocks, as high as possible before they crash.

Once you fall behind in tech it's very difficult to get you're lead back. Think Disney trying to catch Netflix.
Download perplexity on you're phone. It's amazing. You can delete your google app.
Also, try Brave browser ahead of Google Chrome and Microsoft Edge Browser.
It's incredible. Much faster, completely private and no tracking or ads.
brave browser is a skin of chrome so those claims they make are wrong
it is officially 2000 all over again
I just started using it. 59,000 ads and trackers blocked in a single day. Google hitting me with 59,000 trackers. Disgusting. Brave saved me 50 minutes today.
You can also look at ads and you can earn brave rewards.
Never going back to chrome again. Brave works great on mobile too.

It sounds and looks familiar.
4 horsemen. Mag 7.
History doesn't repat itself, but it rhymes.
I think Wall Streets earnings projections are completely delusional. Nike and Walgreens earnings estimates for 2025 are telling you that. The stocks got hammered like it was somehow shocking news that a rising unemployment rate, higher interest rates and a cost of living crises is actually bad for the consumer.
Wall Street is confusing the liquidity that's still sloshing around from QE4 with a recovery.

I just started using it. 59,000 ads and trackers blocked in a single day. Google hitting me with 59,000 trackers. Disgusting. Brave saved me 50 minutes today.
You can also look at ads and you can earn brave rewards.
Never going back to chrome again. Brave works great on mobile too.
again, it's just chrome, you say "never going back to chrome" but you're literally using chrome
you can get those same addons for chrome by inserting an ad blocker without having to worry about what some random crypto dudes snuck into the code
google still gets all your data in the end, hence why they allow it - whether you are using chrome or chrome painted with a brave browser skin on top of it, you're still using chrome
omg dude...
notice how you are allowed to "rewrite" that
you're taking the random opinion of some idiot
btw, what exactly do you think "is based on the chromium open-source browser project, which is the same underlying technology that Chrome is built on" means exactly
chrome is incredibly important to google, why would they release the tech for free to create more competitors unless they gained by doing that?
stop drinking the kool-aid - it's genuinely hard to take any financial advice you have seriously going forward given how you're unable to understand that you're indeed using chrome and fell for some marketing gimmicks and now sharing random thoughts by people on the internet instead of an actual statement from brave saying it's not on chrome - all the while showing me something that agrees that it's built on chromium
jfc man... this is banannas that you're going to die on this hill
you are flat out wrong
i should mention you're also literally talking to someone who built a browser with chromium that is used by millions in asia
i'm not speculating here, i actually know what i'm talking about, you can consider me an expert on chrome/chromium and we did all the same cheap marketing gimmicks of pretending our skin was superior as well and we too found plenty of rubes to buy it
brave is chrome with embedded a*d* blockers and crypto wallet, that's it
Well I'm no expert on web browsers, just started using Brave today.
Thought id throw it into the chat, because I'm very impressed by it. Extremely fast, the ad blocker doesn't need to constantly be updated.
On Chrome they weren't allowing me to view content without ads anymore, even with an ad blocker, so obviously google must be making some money from all those ads.
I do not have that problem with Brave. Haven't had a single ad.
omg dude...
notice how you are allowed to "rewrite" that
you're taking the random opinion of some idiot
btw, what exactly do you think "is based on the chromium open-source browser project, which is the same underlying technology that Chrome is built on" means exactly
chrome is incredibly important to google, why would they release the tech for free to create more competitors unless they gained by doing that?
stop drinking the kool-aid - it's genuinely hard to take any financial advice you have seri
Brave is fine: https://github.com/brave/brave-browser/w...)
Chromium is an open source engine for developing browsers. Chrome isn't Chromium, it is built on Chromium.
Hey, question. Is buying a stock during a rally an unwise decision?
Depends? Buying on breakouts and momentum is generally "good" but each case is specific to the underlying technical and funtamental conditions as well as time frame.
Breakouts and momentum are my favorite method for short term day and swing trades.
Depends? Buying on breakouts and momentum is generally "good" but each case is specific to the underlying technical and funtamental conditions as well as time frame.
Breakouts and momentum are my favorite method for short term day and swing trades.
My ambition is to make an initial investment in a single company, and in perpetuity invest 5% of the initial value every month until I decide to retire in the next 20-40 years.
I might attempt short term trades at some point with more education. But I know a lot of that is gambling which turns me off.
My ambition is to make an initial investment in a single company, and in perpetuity invest 5% of the initial value every month until I decide to retire in the next 20-40 years.
I might attempt short term trades at some point with more education. But I know a lot of that is gambling which turns me off.
Sounds solid. Dollar cost averaging might just be the best approach to investing. But I would think about a little diversification rather than all eggs in one basket. But if do have the discipline invest that 5% every month you will be fine.
We had one of those once a month days, where Big Tech gets killed and the rest of the market rallies.
Equal weight S & P up 1.2%, S & P down 0.8%.
If the market starts thinking about rate cuts and possible soft landing, I think this time it might actually have legs.
There's a lot of money hiding in those big stocks.

Sunrise Realty Trust, Inc. (SUNS) showing as most bought on trading 212. A spinoff of AFC Gamma, Inc. (Nasdaq: AFCG).
The move is designed to create two distinct publicly traded companies: AFC Gamma, which will continue its focus on the cannabis industry, and SUNS, which will concentrate on commercial real estate in the southern United States.
Does anyone think SUNS is a good buy for long term investment? I'm new to all of this and just came across it on trading 212.
Rotation and broadening getting better and better as the day goes on.
Maybe this could actually go on a long long time.
Apple is still bigger than the Russell, which has 2000 stocks.
Some people say that the market will broaden, but I don't think that investors are going to get to have their cake and eat it too. To me these charts look broken and will take years and years to repair.
A huge number of stocks have Babas chart pattern, where they went parabolic during Covid and then they returned to their March 2020 lows.
Zillow, Snap, Roku, I could list another 100.
I think they are all dead money, their charts are completely broken, but will probably come back, in the next bull market.
In the late 1990s, there were four mega-cap stocks, which dominated the market Microsoft, Intel, Cisco and Dell Computer. They were known as the Four Horsemen, because of their unquestioned market dominance.
Three years later the S&P 500 index (SPY) lost half its value.
It sounds and looks familiar.
4 horsemen. Mag 7.
History doesn't repat itself, but it rhymes.
I think Wall Streets earnings projections are completely delusional. Nike and Walgreens earnings estimates for 2025 are telling you that. The stocks got hammered like it was somehow shocking news that a rising unemployment rate, higher interest rates and a cost of living crises is actually bad for the consumer.
Wall Street is confusing the liquidity that's still sloshing around from QE4 with a recovery.
The rotation/broadening trade is finally working quite well. I fomod into the Russell 2000 on July 10.
I wonder how much legs it has. Won't be selling the Russell (IWM) until it hits 250 anyways.
what changed for you in the last two weeks? or youre betting large caps tank while small caps capture their losses?
Yeah so the trend for the last 2 years really revolved around Big Tech and AI. I was afraid the market was too concentrated and was frustrated that other stocks weren't participating.
On July 10 finally you had a day where the Nasdaq fell 1.9% on heavy volume it made a bearish engulfing candle and everything else that hadn't been working rallied on heavy volume.
So it felt like people were long tech or cash like instruments in anticipation of a recession and were short anything else that was interest rate sensitive.
Well if rates start coming down you can't be short the KRE anymore and all of the cash that Apple, Microsoft etc has on their balance sheets starts to become less valuable, because it won't be earning as much interest anymore.
Just reading the tape it probably sets up for a period, I don't know how long, where big tech starts underperforming the broader market.
I think they will be fine. They need to fire their CEO. They thought they could be like Lululemon and sell straight to the consumer online and double their margins cutting out the retailers. Funnily enough when they went down that road I said it was a mistake. If you're a mom and you're 12 year old wants to buy a pair of Nike trainers, the mum wants to make sure that the trainers fit their kids feet.
It's not like Lulu where their main customers are 24 year old girls, who buy their yoga pants online.
I think they will figure it out. It shouldn't be a problem that you can't fix.
Hard to know when the stock bottoms, but if you just wait until the business figures it out, the stock will just have gone back up.
They do need to fire their CEO though. That's what the stock is trying to communicate. I don't know what they are waiting for.