Addressing gaps across the poker industry

Addressing gaps across the poker industry

What are the biggest gaps you see across the poker market?

Curious to hear thoughts and ideas about what everyone thinks is missing in the today’s poker industry. Feel free to bring up anything that comes to mind.

I’m a software engineer and part time poker player. As I’ve become more experienced, putting in a lot of volume on the tables, as well a lot of time studying over the years, I’ve definitely started to notice inadequacies across different aspects of the poker industry. I’d like to start working on solutions that address these gaps at some point, but I wonder if others have similar opinions, or if there are other pain points and opportunities they believe to be more important or impactful.


- Something that just seems obvious but nobody is really doing it, or maybe a select few are doing it but not very well. Maybe it’s something that businesses in other industries do for their customers?
- Easier way to record hand histories? Online poker has this covered for the most part. For live poker there are some products out there but the process is still super manual. What if you had an automated way of recording hand histories and the ability to load those hand histories into a sim with a single click.
- Stats related to results/performance. I personally wish that offered better sorting and filtering options related to live tournament data. For instance I can see the 2024 Money List and the All Time Money list for the world, as well as the US, but I can’t look at the 2024 money list for a given state or city. There’s an all-time money list for the state, but what about this year? What about stats related to specific card-rooms? We can see the biggest earners for live tournaments in one place, and stats for online wizards on a different site, but what about a database that combines both so we can see who ranks the highest across all formats?
- Sources of information. I use PokerAtlas but the process for targeting upcoming tournaments is often times tedious and inefficient due to a lack of available search filtering/sorting functionality, as well as the fact that many big tournaments far off in the future aren’t posted for a certain venue until the start date is approaching in the next couple weeks.
- Player recognition. Some players want the lime light, and want to be recognized for their accomplishments while others prefer to remain in the shadows. Would you appreciate being recognized publicly for major accomplishments?
- Availability of real data insights. MDA has been growing recently, especially with the rapid advancements in AI. Do you wish there were more free/low-cost data insights available? I know I wish there was more data related to live poker. Chewy is working on a software product that processes and analyzes data from hands played on live poker streams to derive data driven insights but a lot of players conceal certain tendencies when they’re live.
- Retail products that just don’t seem to be available. Anything at all. I always have a backpack or a crossbody because playing 8+ hours is a regular thing for me, and I also hate having a bunch of stuff in my pockets. Maybe some people want a kangaroo pouch on their sweater where they can securely carry all their stuff without having to have a bag. Don’t think I’d wear a sweater with a kangaroo pouch personally, but maybe others would, maybe a secret pocket somewhere in your hoodie, pants, hat, tube sock etc to hold your cash would be nice to have? Money-clips, or cool rubber bands? Better card protectors? Stylish articles of clothing that cover your neck/face to protect against live reads?
- Seems like the vast majority of poker apparel brands are failures. Imo most of them are super cringe, and have “I’m a degen” written all over them. Do you wish there were some quality, and perhaps subtle clothing lines that you could where in your daily life and at the poker table? Something that was like the Nike of poker.
- Gaps in learning material/resources. There are a ton of products out there, but we’ve all run into scenarios where we were either overwhelmed and not even sure where to start, or the material just wasn’t organized in a way that felt effective.
- Issues you have to deal with on a regular basis when it comes to the casino, card room or online platform you use to play? Do the reward systems suck? How about the marketing? Does the website look reasonable or does it look like Craigslist, and is it updated on a regular basis?
- A supplement or drug that enhances focus and reduces anxiety?

Feel free to dm me if you’d rather not comment here. Appreciate all perspectives folks might have!

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20 May 2024 at 05:08 AM

2 Replies

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"Would you appreciate being recognized publicly for major accomplishments?"

I am certain most players prefer anonymity.

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"Would you appreciate being recognized publicly for major accomplishments?"

Some categories of players, or some specific situations, would make this a good thing: you're a good player entering the coaching market, and want to grow a business over this. People knowing what you made would definitely help you. If generous payments for site pros became a thing, being internet famous would definitely help IMHO.

Having other players, strangers, scammers and other bad actors, businesses, and especially governments and the tax man know how much you made, won't be a good thing ever. If feeding your ego was the only reason.
