My website ownership experience

My website ownership experience

A couple years ago I decided that purchasing an income producing website might be a lucrative investment. After doing some reading, I liked a few things about the proposition.
- margins are great, hosting costs are really cheap
- hours are flexible
- geography is flexible
- possible to start small
- employees aren't necessary

I bought two websites in 2007 with decent traffic. in March and in July. Both sites were purchased from auction listings on Both earned the majority of their income from the google adsense program, had decent traffic (combined 8000-10000 uniques per day), and a decent percentage of traffic coming from search. The two sites fit relatively well onto a server that cost $220/mon. That was my only real expense.

The results: -
owned March 2007-August 2008
paid $27500
earned $29800 during that time
sold $15100
ROI = 63% (too lazy to compute annualized)
owned July 2007- August 2008
paid $10000
earned $9600+
sold $8000
ROI = 76%

ROIs are slightly lower because I didn't include the hosting in the earnings above, but assume $110/mon for each or $220 for both.

Why did the sites sell for less than I paid?
The earnings from both sites peaked during Aug-Sept last year. Since then, my traffic has been holding up, but ad revenues are way down. In the case of the counterstrike site, my best month was $1800 or so and my worst was $500. My theory is that the broader economy is doing worse, and ad budgets have been cut. I think its worse than that though. Perhaps google and the other ad networks decided to reduce my share or got better at detecting accidental clicks, etc...

Why am I selling at all?
If these were such a good investment last year, why aren't they still? Well for one, I was getting nervous about the continuing revenue declines. Its entirely possible internet advertising has been in a bubble the last couple years with a lot of new companies experimenting with the adwords program from google. Perhaps earnings won't fully recover with a better economic outlook. Also the two sites I owned I felt had a "shelf life". In 5 years no one will be carrying an ipod. Even the simplest phones can play mp3s even now. Why carry two devices? Further, the ipod site's popularity hinged on a hacking program that was becoming largely irrelevant. The newer ipods don't work with it. I felt the time was right to get out before earnings declined further. I was earning about $1100/mon with the site at the time I sold. The counter-strike site's popularity was based on skin downloads for one of the games. I was worried a new version of counter strike would supplant the popularity of the existing one, and I am not savvy enough with graphics or the game to create new skins. I am also leaving the country for a couple months, so I wasn't going to be able to respond to problems should they arrive with the sites.

When I get back from my vacation, I plan to pursue some more of these website purchases. If this comes across as a brag post I apologize as that is not my intent. I just thought it would be of interest to the forum. I'll try to answer any questions as best I can.

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24 August 2008 at 06:32 AM

1 Reply

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Interesting to read about your experience! Has the effectiveness of SEO changed compared to previous years?
