OPTIVER numerical exam

OPTIVER numerical exam

Hello -

I am going to be taking Optiver's numerical exam soon - I was wondering if anyone here has taken it/had any advice.

I have searched rather furiously online for the difficulty of the questions, but I haven't been able to come up with anything.

Some people are saying try "tradertest.org" but what level should I be concentrating on there?..if at all

Thanks for any comments or suggestions!

05 December 2012 at 01:55 AM

2 Replies

Earlier posts are available on our legacy forum HERE

Little late to the party but to be fair nowadays the best resource to prepare for Optiver's numerical test is easily https://www.tradermath.org/dashboard/ora... if there's anyone still interested in this.

★ Recommended Post

If you are looking for the 80 in 8 test try: https://www.tradinginterview.com/courses...

They have some other resources for the Optiver interview as well
