Virtual Currency - Alt Coin Discussion Thread

Virtual Currency - Alt Coin Discussion Thread

I wanted to post a different thread to discuss the "crypto-coin" boom that happened this week.

For those who don't know, crypto-coins (or alt coins) have exploded in popularity among the bitcoin crowd. Some coins have gone from 5-10 cents to 2-3 dollars, making early investors millions. The market caps have gone from $500,000 being significant to the same coins have 20-30 million in market cap just two weeks later.

While alt-coins have long been a favorite of the "pump and dump" crowd - much like penny stocks - it's been their popularity in China this week that have many thinking if the run can be more sustained.

Even more, some (like WorldCoin) have financial services coming out that will allow direct crypto-fiat transactions...much like Coinbase is for bitcoin.

Anyway, I really wanted to get a good discussion going here of these coins. Full disclosure: after staying FAR away from alt coins this summer I recently jumped in to three that I like a lot and think they have a lot of long-term potential: WDC, Megacoin, and Peercoin. I'd love to hear what coins others like and the reasons why!


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30 November 2013 at 03:54 AM

372 Replies


Earlier posts are available on our legacy forum HERE

Has anyone here has much experience in investing in presale coins? I heard this is high risk but at the same time you can also make a killing. You get all these crypto conferences so you can network and get in there, check out the team and tokenomics.

you heard right... rug pull is strong here.

by MSchu18 k

you heard right... rug pull is strong here.

Auto sell on issue/launch day.

I hope you can invest lots and lots of capital, because that's what it usually takes...

I DO remember that there was a company that dealt with presale tokens in a 'crowd funding' way, but that was many years ago and I am not sure if they are still around... they might be though. Basically took 100k on the low end to get into the program, and you had to be approved in terms of net worth and whether or not they wanted you in the program.

fwiw, there is ALWAYS a lock up period... to stop people from doing what it is you are thinking about doing... I think the SEC would like to talk to you PLO.

by MSchu18 k

I hope you can invest lots and lots of capital, because that's what it usually takes...

I DO remember that there was a company that dealt with presale tokens in a 'crowd funding' way, but that was many years ago and I am not sure if they are still around... they might be though. Basically took 100k on the low end to get into the program, and you had to be approved in terms of net worth and whether or not they wanted you in the program.

fwiw, there is ALWAYS a lock up period... to stop people from

Lol firstly I am not in the US.

Secondly I have never done that. I am only asking questions because this is what I heard from other people and posting it here because people here follow crypto and I largely dont know much.

by MSchu18 k

fwiw, there is ALWAYS a lock up period... to stop people from doing what it is you are thinking about doing... I think the SEC would like to talk to you PLO.

I spoke to guy today and my exact words were 'is it illegal to sell coins if you buy them pre sale and sell once they are issued'. He said no.

So?? What are you talking about?

That sir is illegal for any regulated security, and is considered insider trading.
There is a lock up period to insure that investors do not get financially abused... consumer protection, aka ftc and cftc.

The person you asked probably meant that there isn't anyone that can stop you from doing this... that is not the same thing as it being legal.

Now you can claim that something like a meme token is unregulated and easy to launch or buy into and then pump and dump and anyone can do it... but once again, that is not the same thing as being legal and I would be willing to bet the IRS and the SEC would love to talk to you someday if you were to do it at scale.

by MSchu18 k

That sir is illegal for any regulated security, and is considered insider trading.
There is a lock up period to insure that investors do not get financially abused... consumer protection, aka ftc and cftc.

The person you asked probably meant that there isn't anyone that can stop you from doing this... that is not the same thing as it being legal.

Now you can claim that something like a meme token is unregulated and easy to launch or buy into and then pump and dump and anyone can do it... but once a

Right, thank you for letting me know. I posted that for info/advice. As said, I have not ever done that and I won't. I also won't invest in those crowd funding groups.

Thank you.

Transak partnership with Visa seems perfect for gamblers.

Sell BTC or crypto in Metamask and receive dollars on a Visa debit card. So for me that would be borrow USDC from AAVE, deposit onto Visa card. If there's no limits on the debit card, sounds like an ideal solution during the WSOP.

by BradleyT k

Transak partnership with Visa seems perfect for gamblers.

Sell BTC or crypto in Metamask and receive dollars on a Visa debit card. So for me that would be borrow USDC from AAVE, deposit onto Visa card. If there's no limits on the debit card, sounds like an ideal solution during the WSOP.

can pay buy-ins with debit card?

If you have been active on Solana you might have a Jupiter airdrop waiting for you.

Might be too late on this one, but Frame is a thing as well

by coordi k

If you have been active on Solana you might have a Jupiter airdrop waiting for you.

Might be too late on this one, but Frame is a thing as well

I got 10 Solana worth of JUP on all 4 Solana wallets I used in the past. Also got about 20,000 diamonds on Magic Eden on same wallets from airdrop and a couple trades.

Still like COTI...Small Israeli tech company slowly making waves. They will be bringing L2 privacy and other features on the Ethereum chain...Their ecosystem is just taking shape. On Cardano they help power DJED, their stable coin (which has remained stable and boring ((which is exactly what and how it should be))). Keep an eye on COTI, with the right push and marketing I see this at around $3 or more this coming year into next year (2025)... 😀

I like COTI also, it's just that I think I am done with all the stuff that uses EVM and it's compatibilities.

I am all about parallel processing and speed of settlement... as well as costs.

by MSchu18 k

I like COTI also, it's just that I think I am done with all the stuff that uses EVM and it's compatibilities.

I am all about parallel processing and speed of settlement... as well as costs.

Potential is already in place for COTI. Needs to show more adoption and market/promote itself to the world! $ 3 or higher in this bull run coming up (2025) isn't that hard to achieve, the crypto insanity will be huge, of course BTC will lead and alt's will follow suit! Stay coti!

by jay631 k

Potential is already in place for COTI. Needs to show more adoption and market/promote itself to the world! $ 3 or higher in this bull run coming up (2025) isn't that hard to achieve, the crypto insanity will be huge, of course BTC will lead and alt's will follow suit! Stay coti!

$3 would be a $4.5 - $5bn market cap which would have placed it at roughly #42 during the peak of the last bull market. It’s certainly possible, but if you’re looking for a moon bag I’d search for projects that are well under a $100m market cap today.

I’ve got my core BTC & ETH positions set and now have been building small alt moonbags in the $10-20m market cap range (while adding BTC/ETH in the Roth IRA and HSA).

by johnnyBuz k

$3 would be a $4.5 - $5bn market cap which would have placed it at roughly #42 during the peak of the last bull market. It’s certainly possible, but if you’re looking for a moon bag I’d search for projects that are well under a $100m market cap today.

I’ve got my core BTC & ETH positions set and now have been building small alt moonbags in the $10-20m market cap range (while adding BTC/ETH in the Roth IRA and HSA).

COTI is floating around that $100 million market cap range. Another reason I like it. The story is good, there's a team in place constantly building (DJED is a feather in their cap for ADA), but I like the L2 and Eth privacy narrative. The company has been around and survived the Bear, so its not a fly by night meme creation. This is a small tech company with a bright future and room to grow. It will have growing pains and maybe even some bumps along the way, but what company doesn't? Not a moon bag play but 50x is very possible with a bunch of other companies as well. The Bull run hasn't even started yet, so buckle up! 😉

Innovative tech and a solid team, count me in

by johnnyBuz k

$3 would be a $4.5 - $5bn market cap which would have placed it at roughly #42 during the peak of the last bull market. It’s certainly possible, but if you’re looking for a moon bag I’d search for projects that are well under a $100m market cap today.

I’ve got my core BTC & ETH positions set and now have been building small alt moonbags in the $10-20m market cap range (while adding BTC/ETH in the Roth IRA and HSA).

Gotta agree on this one. Gains can only be so large on coins already over $100m.

My favorite play at the moment is GET (~$16m market cap). They seem to be making real progress at applying blockchain to the events industry. Over 5 million tickets already sold, and they are launching an event financing module that uses Defi to help organizers finance events and sell tickets.

Anyone else heard of this one? Dutch company with pretty strong roots so far in Netherlands and growing to other parts of the world.

Stay COTI!!! The best is yet to come! Still think its a $4-5 billion valuation in the coming year. 😉

Anything that's kind of like something, but not quite as good collapses to zero.

That's why there's only one YouTube and there's only one Coca Cola.

That's why there's only one Bitcoin which is doing well and all of the other 2 million cryptos excluding Ethereum are down 99 percent.

by johnnyBuz k

calling it now EigenLayer blowing up in some capacity will kick off or capitulate the next bear market in 2026

thesis remains on track

by coordi k The ponziest of ponzi MLM crypto set ups, but their other stuff has panned out ( airdrops). Not sure if I can post referral codes here but will give some out in DM if anyone is interested

The main net launched yesterday. They have a bunch of DAPPs that are going to drive points going forward. Its... involved. Not a huge fan of the new set up but there is lots of money to be made here.

by johnnyBuz k

$3 would be a $4.5 - $5bn market cap which would have placed it at roughly #42 during the peak of the last bull market. It’s certainly possible, but if you’re looking for a moon bag I’d search for projects that are well under a $100m market cap today.

I’ve got my core BTC & ETH positions set and now have been building small alt moonbags in the $10-20m market cap range (while adding BTC/ETH in the Roth IRA and HSA).

You have any bonk ?
