Virtual Currency - Alt Coin Discussion Thread

Virtual Currency - Alt Coin Discussion Thread

I wanted to post a different thread to discuss the "crypto-coin" boom that happened this week.

For those who don't know, crypto-coins (or alt coins) have exploded in popularity among the bitcoin crowd. Some coins have gone from 5-10 cents to 2-3 dollars, making early investors millions. The market caps have gone from $500,000 being significant to the same coins have 20-30 million in market cap just two weeks later.

While alt-coins have long been a favorite of the "pump and dump" crowd - much like penny stocks - it's been their popularity in China this week that have many thinking if the run can be more sustained.

Even more, some (like WorldCoin) have financial services coming out that will allow direct crypto-fiat transactions...much like Coinbase is for bitcoin.

Anyway, I really wanted to get a good discussion going here of these coins. Full disclosure: after staying FAR away from alt coins this summer I recently jumped in to three that I like a lot and think they have a lot of long-term potential: WDC, Megacoin, and Peercoin. I'd love to hear what coins others like and the reasons why!


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30 November 2013 at 03:54 AM

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