If you had to become a millionnaire in 5 years what would you do?

If you had to become a millionnaire in 5 years what would you do?

Say a guy was holding your mother in a basement and said if you're not a millionnaire in 5 years, I'm going to rape her hard in the ass and then kill her, what would you do? (sorry for the images there)

Defining millionnaire as liquid cash million in bank. And sorry I can't spell millionnaire to save my life (or my poor mother's).

) 4 Views 4
26 June 2016 at 02:35 AM

21 Replies

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did anyone make it?

by TopPair2Pair k

did anyone make it?

Fortunately, my mother was never tied up in a creepy basement somewhere so I didn't have to do the challenge.

I've changed my strategy to just playing Poker and just grinding like crazy, if such an unfortunate situation does occur.

so you made it?

At 76k, you need 13.15 BTC.

On day thread started, BTC was $665.

If you put $8,750 into Bitcoin on day of OP, you'd be a millionaire now.

eth $14. It wasn't hard to doit that way, how many sold though. its easy to say it now with your knowledge.

I'm wondering how many ppl without the knowledge actually made it.

by TopPair2Pair k

how many sold though.

Paper hands.

no one wants to tell the truth, lol

I changed my mind... create a only fans channel with animals.

by MSchu18 k

I changed my mind... create a only fans channel with animals.

pussy cats?

I like sheep myself... Lanolin is so soft and comfy

definition of an animal? And safe word please.


by housenuts k

At 76k, you need 13.15 BTC.

On day thread started, BTC was $665.

If you put $8,750 into Bitcoin on day of OP, you'd be a millionaire now.

by housenuts k

At 76k, you need 13.15 BTC.

On day thread started, BTC was $665.

If you put $8,750 into Bitcoin on day of OP, you'd be a millionaire now.

If you start the 5-yr clock today you could probably get it done with $45-50k.

45k / 79k = 0.57 BTC

Limit order sell @ 225k (3q/4q25 bull market top) = 128k - 12.5k LT cap gains tax = 115.5k

* park in a MMF at 4% for 2026 * = 120k

(you could probably do better moving it to the magnificent 7 for 2026, but there’s a risk of loss of principal which would prevent you from hitting the 1M life or death target if M7 has a negative return during your holding period)

Limit order buy 120k @ 60k (4q26 bear market bottom) = 2.0 BTC

Limit order sell @ 600k (3q/4q29 bull market top) = $1.2M

1.2M - 190k LT cap gains taxes = $1.01M after tax

but that would require running perfect on two tops and one bottom

by johnnyBuz k

If you start the 5-yr clock today you could probably get it done with $45-50k.

45k / 79k = 0.57 BTC

Limit order sell @ 225k (3q/4q25 bull market top) = 128k - 12.5k LT cap gains tax = 115.5k

* park in a MMF at 4% for 2026 * = 120k

(you could probably do better moving it to the magnificent 7 for 2026, but there’s a risk of loss of principal which would prevent you from hitting the 1M life or death target if M7 has a negative return during your holding period)

Limit order buy 120k @ 60k (4q26 bear mar

You think market cap does not matter?

Play poker, put any excess cash in stocks

Crazy to me that everyone here on 2p2 isn't a millionaire from crypto.

How asleep at the wheel did you have to be?

i think there's a compelling case against it still

by theskillzdatklls k

Crazy to me that everyone here on 2p2 isn't a millionaire from crypto.

How asleep at the wheel did you have to be?

Are you being facetious?

I think this 560,000-member forum is a lot more heterogenous than you assume. People of all ages, from all parts of the world, with varied educational and work backgrounds and financial literacy and obligations. Even their poker experience and success (or lack thereof) probably run the gamut: different games, different modes (live vs. online, tournament vs. cash), vastly different stakes (from $0.01/$0.02 online to nosebleeds live), and widely varying win rates. Some of them own companies and/or real estate and are diligently saving and investing; others are living in their cars and scrounging for a stake or loan to play on.

I can think of three big reasons why a 2p2er would not invest in crypto at all, much less make $1 million doing so:

1. Whether they're employed or not, they have numerous debts (house payments, car payments, student loans, credit cards, unpaid taxes, friends and family, fellow poker players, loan sharks) and no extra money to invest in anything. Their net worth is negative.

2. They have already achieved wealth through a traditional, conservative path (work a high-paying job for three or four decades, buy a house and watch it steadily appreciate in value, make regular contributions to a 401K or IRA) and have no desire or need to start investing in super risky and volatile assets to be set for life financially.

3. They've heard the arguments in favor of crypto, but they've also heard the arguments against it, and they're understandably wary (case in point: rickroll).

Even those 2p2ers who did decide to invest in crypto might have (a) sold for a small profit and missed out on much larger future gains, (b) FOMO'ed in near the top of a bull market and later sold their holdings at a loss, or (c) gone all in on leverage or DeFi or one of the many exchanges/lending platforms that failed in 2022 and gotten burned.

I started investing in crypto in 2017 and am doing extremely well right now. But I would not recommend crypto to anyone who wasn't fascinated by it or passionate about it AND willing to spend a significant amount of time studying it. It's too volatile for most people to handle, and there are too many pitfalls that lead too many investors to get rekt.

I think it's far more likely that one will lose money investing in crypto than become a millionaire doing so, just as it's far more likely that one will lose money playing poker than win a WSOP bracelet—even if that person does browse this forum.

I've changed my mind again... a millionaire in fives years?
Become a Congress person.

a) get married and double income.
b) boring passive business.

Its doable. Pls don't sell your soul and become a con greassman.

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