Ethereum - Blockchain App Platform
Ethereum is a decentralized platform that runs smart contracts: applications that run exactly as programmed without any possibility of downtime, censorship, fraud or third party interference.
These apps run on a custom built blockchain, an enormously powerful shared global infrastructure that can move value around and represent the ownership of property. This enables developers to create markets, store registries of debts or promises, move funds in accordance with instructions given long in the past (like a will or a futures contract) and many other things that have not been invented yet, all without a middle man or counterparty risk.
The project was bootstraped via an ether pre-sale during August 2014 by fans all around the world. It is developed by the Ethereum Foundation, a Swiss nonprofit, with contributions from great minds across the globe.

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edit: from Kazuya -
it wont matter if no one is developing on it and it can not scale flawlessly.
it's great to be first mover, but even with the induced deflation, it has become an increasingly irrelevant protocol that people just wont seem to let go of. They see it's market cap and think that it will become BTC someday... that's not going to happen.
I remember prior to last cycle top, I had 50 ETH at $180... I sold it at about $250 and I thought I was a great trader. That would have topped out at $200k had I held.
You would have topped at $245k.
ETH has become polarizing. Most people are either on the side of ETH is becoming irrelevant, ETH hasn't scaled properly, the fees are too high, etc. Or on the side of most everything is still built on top of ETH, L1s like SOL still have their own pitfalls too, etc.
I still think ETH is worth holding in the portfolio for the long-term and view it as "safer" compared to other L1s, but it's short-term upside is generally capped, comparatively, and it'll never catch BTC in market cap. Although, I always thought that viewpoint was unnecessary because ETH and BTC coexist.
At this point, I think SOL is the only L1 that could eventually render ETH useless, but I think it's most likely both continue to grow in tandem, with SOL having more upside. I'd be surprised if ADA, AVAX, NEAR, etc. ever overtook ETH (or SOL for that matter).
I view everything as a way to get more btc at some point.
When looking at marketcap, projects on the chain, and developer involvement, sol seems like more upside than eth at the moment.
Trading shitcoins on solana is fun and all but that’s not where serious TradFi money is going to deploy. It’ll be ETH or their own L2’s on ETH. As mentioned, ETH has the overwhelming majority of developers within the ecosystem.
ETH might not hit .08 ETH/BTC this cycle (or maybe it will), but it should certainly outperform BTC from here to their respective peaks. The consensus on CT seems to be that SOL will flip ETH this cycle which means it’s probably not going to happen.
The announcements that work in BTC’s favor are similarly going to work in ETH’s favor if there are more TradFi flows and development on ETH this cycle.
ETH has $160bn TVL + Stablecoin cap vs. $12bn for Solana. That is a massive difference and most of SOL’s is tied up in vaporware memes.
The issue is... sol allows for thru put at levels eth can only theorize of at costs that are at fractions than those on eth.
The last time sol suffered a dose, it was making more than 40,000tps before having to reset... gtfo with your Ethereum tps.
Yup, a crypto friendly admin goes far beyond BTC, whether the maxis like it or not.
Trading shitcoins on solana is fun and all but that’s not where serious TradFi money is going to deploy. It’ll be ETH or their own L2’s on ETH. As mentioned, ETH has the overwhelming majority of developers within the ecosystem.
ETH might not hit .08 ETH/BTC this cycle (or maybe it will), but it should certainly outperform BTC from here to their respective peaks. The consensus on CT seems to be that SOL will flip ETH this cycle which means it’s probably not going to happen.
The announcements that
Thanks, this is the most positive ETH thing I've read in awhile. Will have to rethink my position.
is eth the new lightcoin? And will never go above 4K????
What will replace it? If btw is 90K, then eth should much higher as the next golden child
I take everything back I've ever said in support of eth and declare it a shitcoin
can we call int a chitcoin
shall I build a CoinChit as meme coin on Sui? or ERC2.0?
I'm very close to shifting my ETH bag to SOL + some meme chasing. You said you're 100% SOL, right?
Lol to people selling the ETH/BTC ratio bottom and pivoting over to SOL meme coins at the peak of rug season in a rug marketplace.
There's no peak to rug marketplace right now. There are 50,000 MEME Coins created per day and most are rug pulls. Everyone new to crypto now downloads the Phantom wallet. Base is now on the Phantom wallet. It's SOL and BASE that are taking over.
Phantom Wallet Expands Support for Base Blockchain
I swapped my SOL allocation to ETH on the SOL ETF news a few days ago. Strongly believe ETH will outperform everything except maybe Bitcoin in the next 3-6 months
Any pudgy penguin holders here?
Just got my first lil pudgy.
Their token airdrop is coming in december, lil pudgies should get 4-5k$.
ETH bums me out. This thread gathers so much dust compared to btc/virtual currency threads.
I own very little ETH, hoping to sell it at some point next year. It has to pump at somepoint next year I hope.
Good luck to any ETH dominate portfolios.
I'm waiting for it to hit $4K again then I'm selling. I might wait for it to hit $6K. I guess if it gets to $6K there's a good chance it goes to $10K tho...
I've waited too long for my ETH bags to pump and have considered selling off about a million times by now.
The only thing that makes me hold on is knowing full well from experience, that the minute i sell, ETH will hit 15k.