I am looking for a private lender/"loan shark", does anyone know one?

I am looking for a private lender/"loan shark", does anyone know one?

I am in the NYC area. I need at least a $3500 or more loan. I have exhausted all my options. credit history is not old enough to get a traditional personal loan and payday lender businesses are illegal in NY state.

Depending on the interest I am charged I can pay this off within 4 to 5 months or depending on the circumstances sooner. I have a stable job/income, I have few to zero living expenses so I can easily pay off such a loan. I imagine that someone here would know someone that lends money to people most likely at high interest.

Please if anyone knows a loan shark/lender in NY/NJ area (or one that is willing to lend to someone without meeting them in person.) or if they know someone that would know someone, would they please put me contact with them. Just private message me. I would really appreciate serious replies only. I am also willing to give the person that helps me a "finders fee". Really hope someone here can help me out.

10 July 2017 at 04:14 AM

2 Replies

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by Didispride k

Come on. I know someone here knows one or at least knows a bookie that would know one.

hey do you still know the person because i am looking to get a loan today

by deep882001 k

hey do you still know the person because i am looking to get a loan today

You are misunderstanding what she wrote. What she meant was "I know [there must be] someone here [who] knows one or at least knows a bookie that would know one."

Moreover, if you read the whole thread, you will see that OP ultimately decided not to pursue a $3,500 loan from a loan shark. She realized, wisely, that her income of $1,800/month could not sustain interest payments of $1,400/month (10%/week x 4 weeks).

To sum up, 6-1/2 years ago, a young woman who was not a poker player and not a regular poster on this forum started a thread to try to find a loan shark; she didn't find one; and she ultimately decided that a loan shark would not solve her money problems but only compound them, so she dropped the idea. She has not been back since.
