Dealer's petty revenge

Dealer's petty revenge

While playing a guy to my left had been annoying the table, but not so bad for anyone to say anything. Anyway, after a while he went allin got the allin button, and won. He then tossed the allin button back to the dealer, who said thank you automatically. The dude went off on the dealer, scolding him for trying to hustle a tip. The floor came over and managed to calm things down.

Fast forward about 20 minutes and Mr. Scold got allin again with ~$520 against another guy with ~$480, saw he lost and just shoved his chips in, got up, and left. The dealer just pushed all his chips to the other guy.

At least 4 of us saw it and not one of us spoke up.

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14 March 2024 at 06:11 AM

17 Replies

Personally I would have spoken up. Just as I speak up when the dealer calls the outcome of a hand incorrectly and the pot should have gone to a bully/*******. Its not about whether I like somebody or not, its about making sure the rules are followed.

In this case the Floor should have been called over so he could set aside the ~$40 for the next time the jerk comes into the room.

If I had been the player who won the hand I would have given the excess money to the Floor with the explanation.

I'm not sure this is even a 'how much' spot like we do with money found on the street/floor.

Definitely want to go thru the procedure of verifying stacks and setting the chips behind just because that's what we do in poker. And you never know if the guy has a 'moment' on the way to the car and walks back in the room and the game has to stop over $40.

We constantly see Players leave behind $1-4 in a PLO game and it usually just goes to the Dealer .. but again, where's the line? GL

You have an ethical obligation under the rules and regulations to speak up, whether it was done on purpose or not. The next time it might be you who he does it to if he's not corrected.

If the guy at least stays in sight I'd say something.

If he just storms off, I go by "if he doesn't care, I don't care" which keeps the game going and doesn't involve any involvement by the floor.

The correct thing to do is obviously to speak up though, no matter the circumstances.

by madlex k

If he just storms off, I go by "if he doesn't care, I don't care" which keeps the game going and doesn't involve any involvement by the floor.

I would still point it out even if he's already gone. Pokers an emotional game so maybe this guy saved up all his lunch money for two months to play but lost it all quick and got upset.

If he was logged in they'll know who he is can can make a note in his profile and bag up his change.

Normally I would agree, but not this guy, and not this time.

If the guy is gone, the guy is gone. Had he stayed, I would have said something.

Rules are in place to protect not just the good people, but also the *******s. If the player wasn't playing with a card and not identifiable, most gaming commissions have a procedure to handle unclaimed funds. They should be followed when some money is involved.

by JayKon k

While playing a guy to my left had been annoying the table, but not so bad for anyone to say anything. Anyway, after a while he went allin got the allin button, and won. He then tossed the allin button back to the dealer, who said thank you automatically. The dude went off on the dealer, scolding him for trying to hustle a tip. The floor came over and managed to calm things down.

Fast forward about 20 minutes and Mr. Scold got allin again with ~$520 against another guy with ~$480, saw he lost and

lol the dealer is dumb. Better petty revenge would have been to give a warning for splashing the pot, painstakingly counting out the other guy’s stack, counting out the bully’s stack, and making sure the bully got his 40 dollars back. The revenge is in forcing the dude to look like the petulant child that he actually is, not going to his level (or arguably worse than his level).

by checkraisdraw k

lol the dealer is dumb. Better petty revenge would have been to give a warning for splashing the pot, painstakingly counting out the other guy’s stack, counting out the bully’s stack, and making sure the bully got his 40 dollars back. The revenge is in forcing the dude to look like the petulant child that he actually is, not going to his level (or arguably worse than his level).

How is that supposed to work if the guy is already in the parking garage?

by madlex k

How is that supposed to work if the guy is already in the parking garage?

Any casino will have a procedure for this. It's basically turned into the casino and a note is put on the guy's account, so next time he comes, they'll see he is owed $X and why. If they don't have a player's card, they'll usually call surveillance to get a snapshot of the player so that they can try to return the funds.

by Rawlz517 k

Any casino will have a procedure for this. It's basically turned into the casino and a note is put on the guy's account, so next time he comes, they'll see he is owed $X and why. If they don't have a player's card, they'll usually call surveillance to get a snapshot of the player so that they can try to return the funds.

Casinos have a procedure for "The revenge is in forcing the dude to look like the petulant child that he actually is, not going to his level (or arguably worse than his level)."?

Does security carry the guy back to the table so the dealer can teach him the lesson or is everyone else following him out of the casino to let him look like a "petulant child" in the parking lot?

There's no "revenge" if the guy gets up and leaves. The only question is if he's getting his money back at a later point or not.

You start yelling “sir! come back! you still have money behind! you weren’t covered on the all in sir!”

by JayKon k

Fast forward about 20 minutes and Mr. Scold got allin again with ~$520 against another guy with ~$480, saw he lost and just shoved his chips in, got up, and left. The dealer just pushed all his chips to the other guy.

At least 4 of us saw it and not one of us spoke up.

You state the approximate amount of both stacks here which are very similar, is it possible that Mr. Scold actually had less and all was handled properly?

by ntnBO k

You state the approximate amount of both stacks here which are very similar, is it possible that Mr. Scold actually had less and all was handled properly?


by JayKon k


How much did he tip the dealer? I hope he hooked her up with at least a few red burds.

Something similar happened to me a number of years ago in Bay 101. I was playing 20/40 LHE and two guys were in a hand. One guy was all in on the turn. There was about $400 in the pot maybe more. The board was like 95295. Both players turned over their hands. The all in guy had 42o and when he saw the other guy had 33 he got up and left the table to go home. The Dealer said nothing and I started shouting at him to come back because he had won the pot.

The guy with 33 started screaming at me in a vicious nasty manner. Like it was his pot and I should shut up. I didn't care. Though I live on the East coast my mother-in-law lives about 30 minutes from Bay 101 so I knew I would be back. The 42o guy came back to the table and the Dealer who had started to shove the pot to the loser, shoved him the pot. The rest of the day we were both there 33 guy was absolutely nasty.

The next day I came back and incredibly the 33 guy was at my table. After some hours he turns over his hand and another guy turns over his hand on the river and the Dealer starts pushing the pot to the other guy. I tell the Dealer to stop because 33 guy has won the pot. I didn't hesitate even though 33 guy had been nasty to me all day. And the funny part is that after the Dealer corrected himself and pushed 33 guy the pot, 33 guy never said thank you. Or spoke to me at all the rest of the day.
