At what point is "deal it twice" binding?
Reason why i'm asking recent situation in my regular game (official casino):
PLO 5-5/10 game, bigger pot (4K ish), money goes in on turn, i don't say a word, dealer is about to deal the river, villain stops the dealer (literally says stop + hand motion), then asks me "do you want to go twice?"
I say "OK, twice is fine" ... then villain says: "OK, lets go once then."
now, to be clear: I don't care either way (once or twice), since i didn't even ask for it and was ready for the river. I was ahead in the hand (top set with some blockers for fl and pot. str.), so i was ok with reduced variance.
but my question is: shouldn't it be binding after the question is asked and answered?
To me it feels like fishing for information and using that information, besides from feeling this is kind of a scammy thing to do.
12 Replies
It really doesn't matter...just know what the agreement is before the next card is dealt.
Reason why i'm asking recent situation in my regular game (official casino):
PLO 5-5/10 game, bigger pot (4K ish), money goes in on turn, i don't say a word, dealer is about to deal the river, villain stops the dealer (literally says stop + hand motion), then asks me "do you want to go twice?"
I say "OK, twice is fine" ... then villain says: "OK, lets go once then."
now, to be clear: I don't care either way (once or twice), since i didn't even ask for it and was ready for the river. I was ahead in
As asked, the grammar did not commit him. He asked "do you want to go twice", he could have similarly ask 'are you on a flush draw' or 'do you want a deuce'...would those commit you/him to anything? He only inquired about your desire. Is it binding if a player ask, "will you fold if I raise"? Or "will you show if I fold"? Or if the player says, "if you bet, I will call anything"
Now if he said "run it once or twice" and you responded "twice", maybe again MAYBE it is binding. But IMO, ideally, the dealer would offer player A "once or twice" and then player B "once or twice" and then only when both have specifically and clearly made their intentions clear to the dealer and he reiterates the agreement is it binding and the dealer proceeds. Ofc, in the end your answer is room dependent
I agree the player certainly might have been fishing and if so it was scummy but he might not have heard you and though you said once. Regardless, I would be very cautious with this player going forward.
I've worked in a room where if you ask the question you're bound to run it twice when the other player agrees.
The room I work in now doesn't have a specific rule that I know of for this and it's never come up that I know of. I'd treat it as binding if I'm dealing and let the floor override me if it's an issue.
I think you feel he got one over you. He didn't. I'm happy to let a player think they are "clever." You learned more about him than he did about you. If it really bothers you, next time, either tell him you don't care, he can decide or tell him you don't like paying extra rake, so just make it once.
so, looks like the general tenor is:
- not really binding (thought otherwise)
- he's a dick (agreed)
interesting point though by venice (having learned more about him than other way round), good way to look at the situation
Reason why i'm asking recent situation in my regular game (official casino):
PLO 5-5/10 game, bigger pot (4K ish), money goes in on turn, i don't say a word, dealer is about to deal the river, villain stops the dealer (literally says stop + hand motion), then asks me "do you want to go twice?"
I say "OK, twice is fine" ... then villain says: "OK, lets go once then."
now, to be clear: I don't care either way (once or twice), since i didn't even ask for it and was ready for the river. I was ahead in
You are both all in and given you did not say who was last aggressor he has a 50% chance to see your hand if he demands it(as he should) if you lose and 100% chance to see it if you win. What information do you feel he is trying to get and how do you feel he can use it?
You are both all in and given you did not say who was last aggressor he has a 50% chance to see your hand if he demands it(as he should) if you lose and 100% chance to see it if you win. What information do you feel he is trying to get and how do you feel he can use it?
well, very simple actually:
most people (i'm not one of them) like to go twice when they are weaker or on a draw, but go once with a made hand. so he's getting information about my hand strength before making his decision.
ps: let's forget for a second that even that is irrelevant bc it changes nothing besides for the variance
well, very simple actually:
most people (i'm not one of them) like to go twice when they are weaker or on a draw, but go once with a made hand. so he's getting information about my hand strength before making his decision.
ps: let's forget for a second that even that is irrelevant bc it changes nothing besides for the variance
As others have said, he's being clever angling you on something that doesn't actually matter. I'd just use this as evidence to keep you guard up whenever you're in a pot with him.
"Do you want to run it twice?" -- Action offered
"Yes" -- Action accepted
I played for years in games with people who utilized verbal games like this. I got used to just being silent in this spot and believing that a competent dealer would burn and turn in a timely fashion. Not saying you are wrong for speaking up, but if you had no thought of running it twice, saying nothing is to your advantage to this player.