How to handle Dealer mistakes ...
i play a ton of live PLO, so i'm witnessing a lot of mistakes on a regular basis - bigger and smaller ones. Even the best dealers make mistakes from time to time, and bad dealers make a lot of them. I used to correct everything i saw, but changed my approach on this over time, now do it more deliberately, depending on circumstances. Several reasons for this:
a) don't want the dealer to be pissed at me (nobody likes to be told they made a mistake, work pride, shame in front of the table, etc.)
b) depending on who is it done to (if an ******* at the table doesn't get enough change, i say nothing, if it's a nice guy or a whale who gets shorted, i point it out)
c) if it's a minor thing, and i'm not affected/not in the pot, for example small error in pot calculation (raise from the blinds and blind is added, happens very often still etc.), i stay quiet
How do you guys handle this?
How do you rate my approach from a moral point of view (not consistent correcting, but dependent as described)?
any other ideas?
thx for input