Bomb Pots - what’s the best strategy

Bomb Pots - what’s the best strategy

For those not familiar with them, a bomb pot at the casino I play at consists of everyone putting in 5x bb, and the dealer deals in whoever puts in the 5xbb and if you’re in the bb or sb and you don’t participate, you are dealt in and then cards are mucked.

After dealing the cards the dealer then burns one and deals a flop, then burns another and deals a second flop. There’s a round of betting, then burn and turn top, burn and turn bottom. Then bet round then same thing river.

If you win one board you split half the pot if you win both boards you scoop the whole pot.

In this style of game what are the best hands to try to play and why?

If anyone have any tips with reasoning, feel free to leave them.

My speculation is suited connectors are probably the most valuable preflop along with aces kk and ak

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02 November 2023 at 07:59 PM

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