Security picked up player in middle of hand

Security picked up player in middle of hand

Hi all,

There is a limp by me in the cutoff, a raise by the action button, and the sb action player raises to $50, I call, the button raises to $220, and the sb calls and right after I call the $220 security abruptly escorts the small blind out of the poker room (apparently he was banned), they don’t let us finish the hand and take his $220 in chips out of the pot. Before anyone can do anything the dealer puts out the flop. I ask the floor to be called at this point and floor was not aware the player was going to be picked up.

What’s the remedy?


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14 April 2024 at 01:28 PM

37 Replies


Washington DC area and Maryland Live

Since the discussion to check it down had to have happened after the flop was dealt, it’s hard for either player to be objective.

I’d really want to know each player’s hand and the flop. Then what was the discussion?
Who initiated the let’s check it down talk?

So, e.g, did one drawing virtually dead say it? Did one have a draw and say it? Especially for example if one guy smashed the pot, did the drawing almost dead player guilt the guy with the effective nuts into checking it down?

They should wait until the hand is over so as not to mess up the play for the other players.

5-card PLO is played a lot at MGM outside DC and also is played at other cardrooms in Maryland.

I guess strategy, but that is how people play, limping for 5 and calling a 4-bet for 220. However, I am not sure if it is good with most hands.

Incidentally, I wouldn't call the 5/5 5-card PLO game at MGM in MD low stakes. Definitely mid stakes. You will see some 5-figure stacks in that game, which of course can easily wind up allin.

by deuceblocker k

They should wait until the hand is over so as not to mess up the play for the other players.

While this is definitely true from a game integrity perspective, it should be noted that casino security guards do not think in those terms. They use a different mental model in their thinking.

Their decisions revolve around human safety. If a player is deemed to be 86ed and removed. They are not worried about the integrity of a poker hand, they are thinking about what happens if this conflict becomes confrontational or physical.

I am not saying that the integrity of the poker hand is not important, it is. However they are thinking about bigger issues.

If it was a blackjack hand and they interceded, they wouldn't have cared about the outcome of that one individual hand.

by JimL k

Their decisions revolve around human safety. If a player is deemed to be 86ed and removed. They are not worried about the integrity of a poker hand, they are thinking about what happens if this conflict becomes confrontational or physical.

But they do work in a casino, so they should be aware that taking out 200 from the pot and taking him out of the hand prematurely wouldn't be fair to the other players who called thinking they had pot odds or whatever. They should of gave every player in the hand the option to be removed from the pot too then.

They could of waiting 30 seconds to a minute for the hand to end before approaching him, whether he was gonna fight them off or not. I've seen this situation happen many times and they would usually wait until the individual was finished with the hand.

by Playbig2000 k

But they do work in a casino, so they should be aware that taking out 200 from the pot and taking him out of the hand prematurely wouldn't be fair to the other players who called thinking they had pot odds or whatever. They should of gave every player in the hand the option to be removed from the pot too then.

They know taking out $200 from the pot and takinghim out of the hand wouldn't be fair.

It doesn't matter.

The pot got made whole by the casino.

by Playbig2000 k

But they do work in a casino, so they should be aware that taking out 200 from the pot and taking him out of the hand prematurely wouldn't be fair to the other players.

That's not the modus operandi though. Only objective for security is to remove the player immediately.

Worst thing that security can do from the casino's perspective is telling the player he can finish the hand but has to leave afterwards. There's a good chance every dollar that player wagers after that statement comes back to him later because he has a legitimate claim that the casino allowed for him to play at a point where they knew he wasn't allowed to play.

I've seen a few times at both of my local casinos where security is lurking but the Floor comes over and tells the Dealer not to deal the Player into the next hand ... THEN security walks over and asks the Player to stand up. GL

by Playbig2000 k

But they do work in a casino, so they should be aware that taking out 200 from the pot and taking him out of the hand prematurely wouldn't be fair to the other players who called thinking they had pot odds or whatever. They should of gave every player in the hand the option to be removed from the pot too then.

They could of waiting 30 seconds to a minute for the hand to end before approaching him, whether he was gonna fight them off or not. I've seen this situation happen many times and they wou

If you knowingly don't act, and an undesirable DOES something bad in those 30 seconds, that's lawsuit city and you lose.

by answer20 k

I've seen a few times at both of my local casinos where security is lurking but the Floor comes over and tells the Dealer not to deal the Player into the next hand ... THEN security walks over and asks the Player to stand up. GL

But why were the players being removed those times?

I saw a guy physically assault someone (he got banned because of it) and before security got there (being escorted by a shift manager with two racks in his hand) they waited until he folded and the one in plain clothes whispered in his ear "We'd like to talk to you can you step away for a min.", they argued at the podium for a few, then he was escorted back to rack up and leave. I never saw that reg again.

by Playbig2000 k

I saw a guy physically assault someone (he got banned because of it) and before security got there (being escorted by a shift manager with two racks in his hand) they waited until he folded and the one in plain clothes whispered in his ear "We'd like to talk to you can you step away for a min.", they argued at the podium for a few, then he was escorted back to rack up and leave. I never saw that reg again.

Totally different situation, that guy clearly was allowed to play in the casino until he got banned.

The assumption here is that the player was excluded from participating at the time security picked him up.
