Can you actually beat a $9 drop in a 1/3 game?
Just curious, they have raised the promo drop at Caesars properties now to $2, how long with the $7 rake, and just wondering if it is expected that one could beat these games for any reasonable amount of money over a significant period of time
I know game circumstances will dictate the majority of the outcome but just assuming you have a standard a game that is neither particularly juicy nor nitty, are you going to consistently average anything over $10-15 an hour after playing for a year?
I'm not sure if I am just hitting a cold patch of cards or maybe just not good enough to beat 1/3 somehow, so I'm exploring what people think about this exorbitant rake first
4 Replies
There's another thread discussing rake right now as well and I believe there's quite a few Cesar's comments in there.
It sounds like you already know about the 'It depends' variables in poker, but IMO you could make a decent income in most any low stakes poker Player Pools. The issue is exactly what you've brought up .. how many hours is it going to take to achieve said income goal.
While most threads have avoided or at least poo-pooed including Promotions in a Pros income, I think you definitely need to start leaning towards not only game selection, but also time selection in order to take full advantage of 'rake back' type opportunities. This may not only include High Hands, but also Freerolls, increased comp hourly rates or any other 'tricked up' session enhancements that the Poker Rooms are coming up with.
I'm assuming you're in Vegas .. is there a reason you are attracted to Cesar's Poker Room over the others? You may need to consider setting up a rotation in your schedule.
When I'm in Vegas I play Aria during the day and Resorts World at night, but I'm not there very often and I like PLO more than NL currently. I've had great daytime sessions at Bellagio but not so well at night.
As a Pro you do need to consider your 'expenses', but it still comes down to game selection. I do much better in the games that take a $10 rake than the $4-6 rake I could see in other rooms .. and it's the same stakes.
The answer is obvious .. if you can get the 'same game' in a different room, then you limit your time at Cesar unless there's other factors related to actually playing in their room. GL
I am guessing op is in NC and talking about Cherokee. That is iirc a tough room to profit in. Now with a little competition and more nonCET coming it might get better.
I don’t know the about the games there but here we are still 5+2 but games are very loose generally and we have full match stack. We are close to the wild Wild West poker in TX and that play spills over some. In total the games here lay loose and bigger than stakes.
Here if games did not change the answer would be yes easy. Higher variance and playing “right” gets boring if you are properly rolled you could easily profit at $9+ rake.
Just curious, they have raised the promo drop at Caesars properties now to $2, how long with the $7 rake, and just wondering if it is expected that one could beat these games for any reasonable amount of money over a significant period of time
I know game circumstances will dictate the majority of the outcome but just assuming you have a standard a game that is neither particularly juicy nor nitty, are you going to consistently average anything over $10-15 an hour after playing for a year?
I'm n
I'm playing $1/3 with a 5% rake and a $40 cap with an hourly of $32. Therefore I think a $9 drop should be beatable.
I played the $1/3 at the Wynn with $37/hr when living in LV.