Casino & Cardroom Poker 2025 Low Content / Chat thread

Casino & Cardroom Poker 2025 Low Content / Chat thread

2024 is over. The Queen is dead, boys. Oh has the world changed or have I changed? Life is very long when you're lonel

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04 January 2025 at 04:34 PM

30 Replies


by chillrob k

Then the second place player wins the ante?

I'm not quite sure I follow. Under the current TDA rules, if the BB only has enough for the BB, then there is no ante on that hand. So no one wins it.

Which is the reason the rule was originally ante first, it was considered "unfair" that the all in player didn't have to pay the ante but had been eligible to win other people's BB Ante the previous 8 hands.

It's just that the BB Ante not being able to win anything other than their own ante back was considered "worse" feeling, hence the switch.

At least, that is my understanding.

I had a brain fart, was thinking everyone else's antes were still in.

I understand how it is very slow to have everyone ante, but for awhile I thought they were having the button pay. That makes more sense to me, so these situations don't come up as much.

by albedoa k

I'm sure someone explained it to me before, but I can't come up with a logic that would exempt the BB from winning the antes in that case.

With BBs ante his ante is all of the antes. So he wins to solely get back his and only his money. This was decided to not be fair to win the hand and win nothing.

by chillrob k

Then the second place player wins the ante?

For that hand there are no antes to win.

IMO the Antes are basically a 'post' that goes into the Main Pot .. nothing earth shattering there. To fret over a Player picking up an 'extra' BB is about the same as getting screwed on a table change into the BB!

BLINDS should always be paid first and then anything 'extra' goes to the Ante.

We are playing poker. A Player is eligible for all bets they make that other Players can match .. then we have a side pot.

The 'all Players' Ante can create 'one' issue since the SB could post a SB and all/part of an Ante and then not have enough to cover the BB.

The most standard thing in poker is the Blinds .. so they should come first. That's how the Players in those positions are eligible for cards. You don't get cards in a cash game without posting a full BB. Tournaments have a bit of circumstance that a Player technically is still alive even though they can't cover the basic 'entry fee'. GL

by answer20 k

IMO the Antes are basically a 'post' that goes into the Main Pot .. nothing earth shattering there. To fret over a Player picking up an 'extra' BB is about the same as getting screwed on a table change into the BB!

BLINDS should always be paid first and then anything 'extra' goes to the Ante.

We are playing poker. A Player is eligible for all bets they make that other Players can match .. then we have a side pot.

The 'all Players' Ante can create 'one' issue since the SB could post a SB and all/p

The blinds first works better with big blind ante because if BB doesn’t contribute to blinds he can’t benefit in the hand. He can only lose. But in the old form individual antes, a player only in for ante can win the other antes and thus benefit.

In game with individual antes, I believe it should always be ante first. The ante is basically a fee to participate. You pay the hand’s entry fee and then put in the blinds. This works as everyone is paying an entry fee. Thus anyone can improve their stack from antes only.

Ofc the case for antes last in an individual ante game would be consistency with the BBante format. Since BB ante is or has become nearly universal the argument is largely moot.
