Is this behavior ok?
Sometimes when I'm winning and have a little stack, people will want me to change their chips (reds for a black). Instead of asking politely, they'll either:
A) Toss a chip to me and say nothing
B) Nudge me, hold up a chip, and either grunt, say nothing, or say "red."
I'm from the South, and this would be incredibly rude where I'm from. In the past I didn't even want to change chips because I was superstitious.
Is this behavior normal? It irritates me every time. Would "whats the magic word?" be an appropriate reponse?
21 Replies
Imo yes that would be rude. I understand they are also being rude but two wrongs…
As to making change, I agree that I generally prefer not to. Sometimes I am fine with it, most often if have a specific reason. Frankly I don’t really like black chips in a 1/2 or 1/3 unless they are VERY VERY DEEP. If someone is slowing down the game because they don’t have red or if they have been ‘hiding’ large chips are my usual reasons. Even 2/5 does not really need black chips. So if I get really deep and cover anyone else, I will take them effectively out of play.
Tell us more about how players obtain chips in your room. For buy-ins, add ons, etc. Does the dealer make change from the tray? Are there chip runners, or does a player need to walk to a cage themselves?
I agree that blacks shouldn't be in 1-2/3 games.
If I'm pushing reds for a black chip, at least 1 of 2 things must be true:
- I have more than 3 stacks of red
- I am leaving during the current orbit
Otherwise, I will politely decline the transaction.
Having more than six maybe nine, stacks of any denomination gets in my way. I like coloring up, the few blacks go on top in 1/2-2/5.
Sometimes when I'm winning and have a little stack, people will want me to change their chips (reds for a black). Instead of asking politely, they'll either:
A) Toss a chip to me and say nothing
B) Nudge me, hold up a chip, and either grunt, say nothing, or say "red."
I'm from the South, and this would be incredibly rude where I'm from. In the past I didn't even want to change chips because I was superstitious.
Is this behavior normal? It irritates me every time. Would "whats the magic word?" be an
If I’m winning, I don’t trade chips unless I like someone or they’re a massive fish. Reason being isn’t that I’m superstitious, but I know that others are and trading chips with them can give them the confidence that they can beat me, whereas refusing gets in their head (why doesn’t he want my chips? are they unlucky chips?)
Certainly if someone was rude like in OP I’d tell them to pound sand.
At the stakes and type of Poker I play, blacks are used. You can add on at the table. You can't initially buy in. You can rebuy. Chip runners are in short supply but there is generally enough change in the rack.
My issue is not with changing chips. My issue is with the way people seemingly demand that I do. They don't even ask. They use caveman gestures to demand it.
It’s look them dead in the eye and say “Are you giving me $100? Thank you!” That ought to get them to at least say that they’d like you to make change for them.
If I’m winning, I don’t trade chips unless I like someone or they’re a massive fish. Reason being isn’t that I’m superstitious, but I know that others are and trading chips with them can give them the confidence that they can beat me, whereas refusing gets in their head (why doesn’t he want my chips? are they unlucky chips?)
At the stakes and type of Poker I play, blacks are used. You can add on at the table. You can't initially buy in. You can rebuy. Chip runners are in short supply but there is generally enough change in the rack.
My issue is not with changing chips. My issue is with the way people seemingly demand that I do. They don't even ask. They use caveman gestures to demand it.
If they just grunt or say nothing, you just say nothing and do nothing in return. Seems pretty easy to me.
LOL. Just make the change and keep people happy -- you've got the money, you want them to stay and play, not get pissed at you. Who cares if they say "please" or even "thank you"? And I'm a woman. If you are from the south, just give them the change and say, "Bless your heart."
If the player has been an ass, maybe then you can be rude back.
Superstitious about chips. Even funnier.
on a more serious side note (and to answer OG's question):
yes, some people are really rude when doing this (not even asking or anything, just throwing a chip in front of you and then expecting change). My (very easy) solution to address this:
I pick up the chip and add it to my stack. Done.
After some form of irritation (and actual communication from the other side), usually it's lesson learned after that.
on a more serious side note (and to answer OG's question):
yes, some people are really rude when doing this (not even asking or anything, just throwing a chip in front of you and then expecting change). My (very easy) solution to address this:
I pick up the chip and add it to my stack. Done.
After some form of irritation (and actual communication from the other side), usually it's lesson learned after that.
This is the best response. No lessons will be learned though. May I ask where you play? I haven't seen this outside of the casino I currently play at. A lot of things seem specific to this environment, most of which annoy me.
I think it's kind of context-dependent whether someone is being rude or not. Like in tournaments there can be certain blind levels where the amount of small chips on the table just isn't enough. In that case the chip changing becomes such a continuous thing happening every other hand that people end up just tossing a chip towards whomever has the small chips. In that case it's more of a matter of practicality and keeping the game moving.
But yeah if someone throws a black chip at you in a way you perceive to be rude, just pick it up, put it on your stack and say, "thank you."
Turns it into a lighthearted joke, and forces them to actually say something. If their response is rude then you can respond appropriately.
Poker players do a lot of things that are rude, this is definitely one of them, but it's not a hill I care to die on.
The best way to handle this is tournaments - and all situations - is to let the dealer do their job and not mess with players making their own change.
In an ideal world yes, but with certain dealers it just slows down the game too much. Like they'll sometimes shuffle the cards, then do exactly what the OP was complaining about. Toss a chip at someone without saying anything and just sit there doing nothing until that player makes change.
They really don't care in tournaments as the number of hands per hour doesn't effect their bottom line, but if you're a player with an edge you want to get in as many hands as possible. In cash games they tend to be snappier as it effects their own (and the casino's) bottom line.
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