Tricky Situation (Dealer not doing his job), could cost me 3.5K

Tricky Situation (Dealer not doing his job), could cost me 3.5K

Live PLO 5-5 with 10 straddle. Official Casino game in Netherlands.

Hand kinda irrelevant for my question, just to get a full picture:
get drawn into a pot with 5-6-9-10 ss with hearts, small raise, few callers, i call, another small reraise (not pot), so i call again. flop 6-7-K (with 2 hearts), so only gutshot and small flush draw for me, but pot already big, short stack goes allin, i call, another guy goes over the top for only a little more, of course i call again.

runout 6-7-K-7-A (no hearts), horrible for me, i only have a pair of 6s.
now first guy opens his hand Q-J-9-5 (Queen high, no pair, he had a fl draw too), and the other guy sees this, shakes his head and folds his hand. But he only folds it face down, pushes it forward a little, but it's clearly not in the muck yet.

now, the dealer first job here would be to actually kill the hand (put it in the muck), but he doesn't do that. instead he starts to make change so he can take the rake out (not a time game). the second guy was not a good player, so i figure there's a high probability he either misread the first guy's hand or his own, and can actually beat my pair of 6s.

Now i don't want to alert him to the fact that this could be the case (by telling the dealer to do his job and kill the hand, since it's still easily retrievable), but at the same time since the dealer is not doing it by himself, i'm in kind of a pickle. dealer is super slow, and everybody on the table is of course talking about how a shitty pair of 6s can win such a nice pot, and i'm sweating and just waiting for the guy to go like "oh wait, i think i had 9s or something, and picks up his hand again ..."

pot is over 3K, and i really would like to get that money with my 6s ... ;-)))

what do you do in such a case guys???

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12 March 2025 at 08:06 AM

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