Poker in Bratislava?

Poker in Bratislava?

Im going to Bratislava at the end of March. Thinking about playing some holdem as the game has taken off there. Bratislava is in Slovakia by the way. I am wondering if anyone has played there and how the games are? Hotel Carlton had good reviews. There are actually 3 or 4 places that run Holdem which is a lot for a city of that size.

I heard they have 1 1 euro nl but don't know what the max buy in is. Has anyone ever played in Bratislava live?

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19 February 2010 at 07:33 AM

2 Replies

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Hello! What is the live poker scene like in Bratislava right now? Is there any PLO cash games running regularly?

I was in Bratislava 1 year ago at Cards Casino during Slovaki National Championshop Open

So there was a lot of people, but the first few days of event there was only 1 cashgame table running.

During peak it was a bit more 2-3 cashtables, also with PLO.

But OMAHA6betAI sent you a pm regarding some upcoming bratislava plo.
