"Old School" Poker Argument Brought to Chess
If you rounded up all the 2400s between 20 and 30 and they were to do nothing but study chess all day with the help of the best computers, what percentage of them could two years later, get into a time machine and be favored to beat Bobby Fischer at his best?
Okay so since you are now both insisting on this strange narrative that he 1)got better positions in every single game and 2)did some (major?) theoretical breakthrough in the Italian let me look at those games. When exactly was this tournament played again?
It's not strange but I also wouldn't make it so strong. Rather than some "major breakthrough" he breathed a bunch of new life into the Italian and it's been a mainstay in top level chess again since then.
Also, I doubt he got better positions in every single game. But he did in many. I think in most of those exhibition events he plays he demonstrates he would be a very strong player if he came back. He couldn't compete for the title, though.