Why I Can't Get Into Chess

Why I Can't Get Into Chess

The biggest barrier to entry for me is the fact that this game has been studied by people much smarter than I, not to mention thousands of years of strategy development.

I move my pawn forward two spaces and all of a sudden my opponent says ah, I see you are playing the Belarusian PIT maneuver and then they play the Sicilian Deep Dive and in 20 moves I get checkmated.

Any advice?

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26 August 2021 at 07:48 PM

9 Replies

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as mentioned above, what is your goal? Use your brain a bit, ie pass some time while waiting in a que or bus? Use your brain alot?

Apps like Chess.com automatically rate your play and then will match you with opponents with similar ratings, so you will automatically have a good game. Sometimes they will still know some tricks, but since the games are rated, the trick advantage will be shortlived and you will get good games.

Some people just want the illusion that, because a thing is new, that they can be one of the best in the world at it with relatively little effort.

Yeah the original question seems a bit pointless? How can you do anything that has ever been researched if you are not hard working and/or smart thus probably won't contribute anything new? Just do what you enjoy.

Seems like you do not enjoy it all that much. If that is the case, why bother? I never seemed to get into fishing (although I do know how to fish), so I do not fish.

by AALegend k

Seems like you do not enjoy it all that much. If that is the case, why bother? I never seemed to get into fishing (although I do know how to fish), so I do not fish.

Sounds like you need to just get better at fishing.

by ejames209 k

The biggest barrier to entry for me is the fact that this game has been studied by people much smarter than I, not to mention thousands of years of strategy development.

I move my pawn forward two spaces and all of a sudden my opponent says ah, I see you are playing the Belarusian PIT maneuver and then they play the Sicilian Deep Dive and in 20 moves I get checkmated.

Any advice?

Don't worry about that, you're not a world class player and probably never will be, so just have fun with the game and learn the basics first

by Tilted and Broke k

Don't worry about that, you're not a world class player and probably never will be, so just have fun with the game and learn the basics first

Nope, he has to get better, there's no other way to do anything.

He will get better by playing the game and enjoying it, if he doesn't enjoy the game he won't play and won't get better

★ Recommended Post
by Tilted and Broke k

He will get better by playing the game and enjoying it, if he doesn't enjoy the game he won't play and won't get better

Nope. Skill issue. He just has to get good.
